plumbing Q


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I'm finnaly plumbing the 750 (total volume), but ran into a problem with them sump. It is glass, so I cant drill it.

In my sump I have a single 2" outlet. Can I put a tee on the end (1.5") and plumb 2 hammerhead pumps? Or will this be too much of a restriction?

Two Hammerheads pulling water through your sump sounds like a recipe for micro-bubbles. One will likely give you micro-bubbles unless it is restricted quite a bit or you have a huge sump. One Hammerhead on a closed loop would be excellent. It is possible to plumb your pumps up and over the sump. You just have to use a self priming pump or fill the pipe going up and over to the pump with water first. Several members have done this, gregt for one I believe and others can help.
I agree with cweder, you just asking for trouble with that much flow through the sump. Can the overflows on your tank even handle that???
one is for the skimmer and the other is for circulation.

As far as the overflow..I have four 2" drains. I have one setup with a durso. the other three are shorter with a screen. hopefully that will work. i have ball valves on them all, so they can be restricted if needed. I can even cap off a drain or 2 if I need to.
this is really frustrating! why is it that when I asked the question about the pump I should use, nobody had anything to say against the hammerhead. Now that I spent the extra money on it rather than buying the dart (which is what I was initially thinking of getting), I get feedback that the pump is going to give me a headache?

Make a pipe that goes up and over the sum and then back down in to the sump . I do it all the tiem whem Iam too lazy to drill it .
How big is yor sump . Mine is 8 foot long by 30 wide and 24 high , I have two 1/4 horse and one 1/3 horse sequence pumps feeding off of it and no micro bubbles .
Thanks Bill! Good to hear about the bubbles thing.

the sump is 72"x24"x18".

the 1/3 hp sequence would be the same as the hammerhead. and the 1/4 would be the barracuda. if you have all three, and still have no bubbles, then I think I will be fine. how do you have your sump set up?