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I wanted to know if there would be any possible problems for drilling a 65g putting a 3/4" bulkhead for the drain and using a Turbo Sea 780 for a return?
Are you wanting to drill in the bottom?
Many tanks have tempered panes of glass on the bottom.
Can't drill those.
I wouldn't put anything smaller than a 1-1/4" bulkhead for a drain in any tank, and for a 65 I would either go with 1-1/2" or two 1-1/4's.
Yes things can go wrong

Yes things can go wrong

I have cracked and broken two tanks trying to drill them. There are some good instructions on reef central for drilling tanks. Maybe I tryed to rush it! I take my tanks to glass shops to have them drilled for a better chance of success.
Okay but what about after the drilling is done is there any problems with it draining (flooding, clogging etc.
I assume you will be putting some kind of shallow, slotted overflow box, like:

to cover your bulkheads, and keep critters, etc. out. That should significantly reduce the chances of clogging, etc.
Then, as long as you have sufficient volume above the normal water level in your sump to handle the amount of water between the highest water level in your tank and the bottom of the slots in the overflow box, you should be flood-safe.
I have been thinking about doing that as well to surface skim and keep from flooding. i'm draining it tomorrow and taking it up to work to get it drilled i already have a grating to cover the bulkhead so i'll see how things go.
If you aren't putting a slotted box around the bulkhead, you should put an elbo in your bulkhead (pointing up). Otherwise, when your return pump stops, you will be sending a lot of water down to your sump.
yeah i understand that I was just wanting to know if there have been any problems with drilling the back of any tanks?
Ok well I've decided not to drill my ? hasn't been answered so I am going to go with a new tank for $146 65g w/overflow so I don't have to worry about any future problems