PM HOT-1 plumbing kit?

Jack Napier

New member
HI Jason, i was wondering if you guys carried the plumbing kit for the Precision Marine HOT-1 skimmer. I didn't see it on your webpage but when when i asked the guys at PM where i could find it they said that pretty much any place that carried their skimmer would have the plumbing kit. Is this true? Thanks in advance for your help.
Hi Jack,

We can get a PM plumbing kit for $15.00. You won't need that with the PM-Hot1 skimmer though, it comes with everything you need to get up and running.

The plumbing kits are for the venturi sump models, makes it easy to use one pump for the venturi and counter current port. Unless PM has came out with something new, like an upgrade, otherwise the pm-hot1 would be the only item you need to buy.

Thanx! I already have the HOT-1 and I plan on using it for my sump, but the water pump doesnt reach the water. I'm thinking that I'll need the plumbing kit so that i can ue the skimmer on my sump. How do i go about ordering it?

Haven't forgot about you, still waiting for a price from the factory. I'm guessing 15.00, but wanted to confirm it.

Oh hey thanx but dont worry about it! I put together a little DIY project that seems to be doing the trick. But i will be ordering a Mag 5 and Maxijet 900 with venturi kit from u guys soon. Thanx again for your effort! :)

No problem. I'll go ahead and post the info in case anyone else was following the thread for info.

The conversion plumbing kit is $24.95 and would include all the fittings you need and new ball valve.

It would also include a true venturi valve. You would not be able to use the rio800 supplied with the skimmer with this valve though. Would need a more heavy duty pump like Rio1700 or Mag5. PM also mentioned that it has to sit inside the sump not outside to keep the water volume correct inside the column.
