New member
Okay guys I have questions for you guys. Since finding out that my test kit was faulty after getting a hanna ulr phosphorus checker i have been trying to get my po4 under control. My po4 when i started lowering it was .22 and its been about 3 weeks now and i am still having trouble keeping the levels under 0.1ppm. I am assuming that there is a large amount of p04 leaching from the rocks because i was using that kit for the past 7 months. My po4 overnight will go from .02 to .08 and 3 weeks ago it would go back up to .15 i belive so it is improving. My question is do you guys think this is normal for po4 leaching? I have used so much GFO and has been quite expensive and for the last week i have been using brightwell phosphate-E because of the price. Some of my older sps colonies that were acustom to the higher po4 are not liking the fluctuations and have STN'd and i loat my Strawberry shortcake. How long should i expext it to keep leaching for or do you think my tank is overstocked? I have 80g of water volume and i have a Kole tang, 5 Small half inch chroms , Flame angel, Maroon clown, Leopard Wrasse and a Blue spotted watchman goby. I was dosing Vinegar as a carbon source before i switched to Aquaforest products and my nitrate has never gone above 0.1. What do you guys think i should do some of my colonies look better than ever but the STN has got me pulling my hear out alkalinity and all other params are rock solid...