Poakley's 180g glass box


New member
So I have started building my reef tank. the tank is a visio 180 72 x 24 x 26. just your normal 180. It has a trapazoid overflow with one inch and 1/2 drain with 2 3/4 returns.


I have already got my skimmer wich is a red sea C-skim 1800. Still looking for someone who is actually using this skimmer. Read good reviews on it and got a good price for it brand new so i went with it.


I have also built the major part of my stand. It is built of 2 x 2 box tubing and welded. I am going to be attaching my doors using magnets which will attach to the gussests i still need to add.

i have also built 3 of my five doors. I used 1 by 2's for the fraims and had some left over flooring which i put down in my dining room for the center panels. I think they turned out very nice. I just need to paint the outside edges of them black.


Lastly I have my sump. i wanted to go big with this because I hate water changes. i only hate them because of having to wheel a trashcan into my living room pnly to spill water. So what I am going to have is a sump divided into 4 sections, 25 g water change tank, 20g fuge, 10 g return section and 25g section for my skimmer and filter socks.


I still have a big hill to climb and about $1500 to spend to be even close to being done. I am so impatient and trying to build this right. My 125g tank functioned great but under the tank looked like a spagetti factory exploded with misolanious crap all over. i don't want that this time. I also had like 5 power strips under it. That made it look real safe. Feel free to give me any advice on the build.

Thanks for looking

I am looking at doing three 120w led fixtures. not sure if i want to have for coral yet but I am pretty sure the 120w LEDs will support anything i want if i put it at the correct level.
Lots of progress

Lots of progress

I have made lots of progress since I last posted.

My sump is completed and now has the baffels installed. With four sections I will have sections for skimmer and drain, return pump, fuge and my favorite is a section for water changes.


I also took my stand to the powder coat. It was definatly way cheaper then I had thought. Only $150. I never did finish all the doors to the tank but I am going to redo them because they just don;t fit very well.


With my stand all powder coated I was ready to build the support structure for my plumbing and a place to run my electrical wires.


With everything all togather I have the tank and stand in my living room. water and all.



Any questions or comments would be great.

more to come as the cycling happens.
I did actually forget to say that the wood supports have been sealed with KILZ latex primer.

This tank sure doesn't want to cycle though. 10 days and a reading of ZERO ammonia.
Never thought i would feel so insignificant with a 180g tank.

With the multi thousand gallon tank builds on here and all.
Nice plumbing, I like the supports and it's very clean.
Coming along nicely.
Have you added a piece of shrimp or anything to kickstart the cycle?

Are you leaving the powerstrips along the top of the tank? That's much too close to water for me.
I think I may put something to make drip loops and keep the saltwater away as bes as i can. I don't much more room in my stand.

I didn't do the shrimp trick but I have a chromis and domino that I am about to take out. They have definatly been eating very well.

I tested my water today and still ZERO ammonia

Phosphate is .25
Nitrate 0
Nitrite 0
calcium 400
alk 8
I am still patiently waiting but 16 days and still I have and amomnia level of ZERO.

What is the longest anyone has seen a tank go before the ammonia build up?
i think it will take a lot of feeding to get your ammonia level with just 2 small fish.

You could either add a couple of frozen shimps or add ammonia directly. Ace Hardware has pure ammonia(10%). I see there are some in S.D.

You can instantly get as much ammonia you want. I did 4ppm I think and added a 5-10lb piece of LR to go with my dry rock. I had zero ammonia in a few days and nitrite read 0 by day 10.

I can dig up the calculator if you do get the Ace Hardware ammonia. It doesnt contain surfactants as in the Wal-mart type ammonia.

btw, the tank and stand looks great.