Pocillopora meandrina or Montipora flabellata?


New member
By any chance, does anyone have, or know of a source for either Pocillopora meandrina (a.k.a. Rose coral/Cauliflower coral)


and/or Montipora flabellata (a.k.a Blue rice coral)


I have done several dives while vacationing with the family in Maui, both are very common, and both would be a nice/fun addition to our reef if I can find a legal source.

My first thought was to ship a few frags through a LFS, but captured coral apparently is illegal on the islands and all LFS are fish-only.

Thanks for any leads, Steve
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I looked through a few of my regular sites, and the only similar thing I could find was pink Pocillopora damicornis


I check all the coral sections in the divers den probably twice a day lol. As things sell, they take items down, and once a certain number of items disappear, they add new items. I remember seeing various pink pocilloporas often, and would say to take a look every day for a week or two and I bet you will find other pink ones. The other ones I've seen have been a little over double that size, and in the 70-80$ range

I know the link isnt the exact species, but it might be the closest you can easily get, and could be a inexpensive test piece to hold you over. This way you can keep searching for the exact species and enjoy something similar in the meantime.

Heres the growth of my green captive grown pocipollora between 8/31/12 and 1/3/12. I tried to move it because the back is touching my overflow wall, but it wouldnt budge becasuse it has fully encrusted over the frag rock in some areas and attached itself to my rock structure. Definately a quick grower, and one of my favorites
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Yep. I searched all the regulars as well before posting here and check DD nearly daily (previously for fish, but will expand to corals as well for this per your advice/thanks). I already have the damicornis - I like it, but the skeletal architecture is completely different than the rose coral for which I am looking. Anyone else?
I don't know if this has to do with it its availability or not. Taken from the ARKive link.

" Pocillopora corals are listed on Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES), which means that trade in this species should be carefully regulated . Pocillopora is one of the genera that can be fairly successively cultivated, due to its fast growth rate and the ease at which it can be propagated by fragmentation. Growing tips are collected from large colonies in the wild, and the fragments are cultivated in the sea suspended from fishing lines until large enough to be sold in the aquarium trade. Whilst the initial collection does have impact on wild populations, cultivation poses less threat than complete wild harvesting . Pocillopora corals will form part of the marine community in many marine protected areas (MPAs), which offer coral reefs a degree of protection, and there are many calls from non-governmental organisations for larger MPAs to ensure the persistence of these unique and fascinating ecosystems ."

Low concern and trade is regulated. but also says there's cultivation of the coral.