

New member
what is the best way to get pods going strong in my tank iam still a littler new to the hobby and learning as i go up to any info
Rock will bring in some pods. If you have a reef ready, or external overflow, you can set up a refugium (low flow, no predation) with some chaetomorpha and other macro algaes and provide a breeding ground for them that will constantly replenish the display. Reducing predation and giving them a place to live (even if in the tank) without being washed away are the only surefire ways, IMO. They do have the HOB fuges, too, that would provide similar conditions to a fuge (just not on scale).
refugium with macro groing in it! They sell bottles of pods now...you can throw a couple in your tank to seed the live rock in there
thanks for the info i have lots of LR with many places in the corners that it ha all ready probably started to grow i will also see if my lfs sells it
I bet you already have pods. No need to waste money on any. At night look in your tank with a flashlight, I think you will be pleasantly surprised.
I think zoalander is correct about already having them. If not just get a little chunk of live rock from a buddy... If you have to buy something might as well be a frag... It's going to have pods on it already, lol.

I know in my frag tank where there is no rock, just plugs and eggcrate the pods are EVERYWHERE. Even during the day they are out all over. There is no fish in there to eat them.
I love looking at my tank at night! I use a flashlight and see them all over. Sweet looking creatures to say the least.