point and shoot camera


New member
Wife wants to get a small camera. Are there any good ones that can do macro. If there isn't a good one for fish tanks I think we will probally end up with the nikon p3 or p4. Any suggestions are appreciated.


My wife really likes her Nikon Coolpix 7600. It's a really tiny camera but she has gotten some decent pseudo-macro shots out of it. I haven't pushed my Canon SD500 that far yet but I've gotten some good shots out of it too.
My buddie has the Cannon SD500 or 550? He had an older one and now has the brand new model. They are both AWESOME cameras and I have a $6,000 digital SLR(set-up) that I compare it to. I have high standards when it comes to image quality. The new model even has an underwater white blance setting, we shot some pics of his 300gal (16, 4' VHO's) which usaually renders a wierd blue glow in photos from heavy actinic. The corals had never been captured so accurately!! And on land the pics are amazing too. I always thought I liked Nikon better because of the quality of the Nikkor lens but, for point and shoot, those Canon's are hard to beat. I also have a friend who got the Olympus, I can't remember the model but, hers actually goes underwater up to 12' WITHOUT a housing! I have only seen it outside and have not taken any tank shots yet but, it seemed worth looking into, as it had 3 diff underwater settings too.
The Fuji finepix line is in my opinion the biggest bang for your buck, there are 3 different models, the S9000 is the upper end and can take some spectacular macro shots, but it is a point and shoot and it doesn't get any easier to get shots that make you look like a pro.
Agreed Astrogazer.....my friend (efroggies here on RC) has a Fuji FinePix S9000 and it is an awesome prosumer camera. Perfect for gettign everything from snapshots to awesome macroshots. A great all-around buy! But, it isn't something that can slip into your pocket like the P3 or P4. Guess it depends on what sidd129 is ultimately looking for.
Absolutely, it certainly isn't a shirt pocket or purse type of camera, it's all in the needs and desires of the user.
I read that the s9000 has noise problems. Can anyone that has one post some pictures. What it probabaly is going to come down to is: can my wife take better pictures on the auto setting with the s9000 or the p3. or do you have to know slr functions.
I don't own one myself, but a friend was looking for a camera and on my reccomendation he bought one, the imaging was the best I had seen in a point and shoot. I had some images of his cat I shot, if I can find one I'll post, it would be a good test of noise.