Poll: Tank Testing


Premium Member
I'd like to know:

1. What parameters you check regularly and how often?
2. What test kits or instruments you use?
3. What brand name test kits or instruments as well?
4. What tests you do less often?

If it doesn't get overwhelming, I'll put all the information into a spread sheet and post the results.

I keep mostly sps and I check nitrate,dhk,phosphate and calcium on a bi-weekly schedule. I only use Salifert test kits. I also check salinity every week with a refractometer.
I test salinity and Ph once a week. Alk every other. Would test alk more often but I don't have a meter and I hate the chemistry set. I don't have large draws for calcium so I don't test for it regularly.
I mainly just check my salinity weekly.. Ph MAYBE every other week... Calcium and ALK monthly. I have dosers set up to add the Caclium, ALK, and topoff water to it normally stays pretty regular.
I check salinity at water changeswith an ASI float gauge, and calcium and Alk at least weekly, and adjust, unless i'm tinkering with tank mood swings, it only takes a minute. Magnesium at least once a month, or more often if i suspect a problem holding calc or alk. Low magnesium levels will make it hard to hold those two in spec. Right now im using API test kits for Calcium and Alk.. bought a bunch of em on sale a few months ago. work pretty good for me. the calcium kit measures in 20 ppm increments. as long as i keep my alk between 8-12 DKH i know the PH is above 8 and ok. i add dry randy two part daily. so i have big swings daily in calc and alk. My tanks seem to eat about 3 DKH of alk a day and 20 PPM of calcium. and I add the part 3 mag mix at least once a week. for magnesium i use the seachem Mg test kit. seems pretty accurate. sorta expensive kit, but will do 120-150 tests? at that rate it will last a long time.

so i shoot for Alk between 8-12 DKH, Ca between 400-450 ppm, and Mg 1300-1350 ppm. nitrates and phosphates usually test at zero since i use a feric oxide hydroxide absorber, and lots of plant life in the systems. Macros and cheato. along with plenum deep sand beds for nitrate reduction.