popeye :-\


New member
my anthias has popeye in one of her eyes. it looks like it is going to pop out of her eye socket :-(. i have tried looking in the disease treatment forum but can't find too much on it because i cannot use the search function.

does anyone have any advice for me?? what types of medicines to use..if that epsom salt idea works?
has anyone used maracyn-two?..i picked it up today but am still debating on whether or not to use it. i have a fairy wrasse in the tank with the anthias and there is unfortunately no way i can take the anthias out and treat it by itself so i would have to treat it with the wrasse.
My Anthias also had one eye that looked like it was going to pop out. I let it take it's course and the eye went back to normal in a week. I don't think there is much you can do unless its an infection or parasite.
Kimber, popeye is caused by either poor water conditions or a fight with other fish, either way it will be highly recomended that you treat your fish in a separate tank or sump, Maracyn does work but you must be extremely careful with the dosing, on the other hand most popeyes will go away with some good rest, good feeding and exellent water conditions.
I have a trap if you want to burrow it you are welcome to p/u, if not you could probably ask Chris little to catch the fish for you he is an expert at that.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8874026#post8874026 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Rogger Castells
Kimber, popeye is caused by either poor water conditions or a fight with other fish, either way it will be highly recomended that you treat your fish in a separate tank or sump, Maracyn does work but you must be extremely careful with the dosing, on the other hand most popeyes will go away with some good rest, good feeding and exellent water conditions.
I have a trap if you want to burrow it you are welcome to p/u, if not you could probably ask Chris little to catch the fish for you he is an expert at that.

Hm, I don't think I deserve that. In my opinion Rogger can catch fishies better than myself. I just happened to get lucky once. :)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8874894#post8874894 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by nyvp
I dont know, I heared you have some made fishing skills chris

That's correct, I am better known for the good looking clams ;) :p :rollface: :D
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8875390#post8875390 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Rogger Castells
That's correct, I am better known for the good looking clams ;) :p :rollface: :D

Now that would only be true if you had one of those elusive black and white clams.

:lol: :lol: :lol: