Popeyes anyone?


New member
Have any of you all had to deal with popeye before? My medium sized trigger has it. Looks like it could be both eyes but one is popped out much more than the other.

I would like to treat it in the tank but have a mixed reef and don't want to do harm to anyone else. I also don't want to stress the fish out by trying to catch him and rehome him in a separate tank if I can help it.

So... any ideas? Anyone treat it in their reef before?

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I ran into this with one of my tangs. I Just kept the water clarity good and it went back to normal after a while.
is that the fish = to "the bends" ?
Had a female swallowtail angel that got it. Changed water daily and cut the light by 40%
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Thanks everyone. You have put my mind at ease. I've never seen this before so it's nice to know through good husbandry it will fix itself.

On another note... my trigger has now been named... Popeye!

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