porcupine puffer and moray eels


New member
Could u have a porcupine puffer with a med-large moray eel such as goldentail (or eels of similar size and aggression)?
The porcupine puffer would be the only tankmate other than eel or eels.
120g FOWLR - (up and running but empty)
It's not advisable.

Porcs. are notorious for nipping and picking at slow moving, botth dwelling fish such as Morays or Sharks.

It'll only take one bite and then you'll have to worry about infection and disease.

A 120gal. really isnt big enough for a Porc. anyway.
120 is a little to small for a porcupine puffer, your eel would be safe if it has somewhere to hide from the puffer such as PVC piping or lots of liverock. After a little while I've noticed that the aggression initially viewed with new tank mates tends to die down....but ever situation and fish is different.
120 gal is not to small for a porc, providing its a small one. Most times when you buy them at LFS they are only 2" big. They dont grow up that fast.

Also to if its a small porkie, then I have seen time and time again wounds that the eel did. You see it all the time, a porc got his tail nipped. I dont recommend Porkies with Eel, but thats IMO.
Ive had a porc and a snow flake eel in a 125 for over a year...and before that with a zebra moray. I would say there is no problem with it, but every fish is different so you never know.
i know the full size of porcupines...seen one in huge aquarium, but LFS has 2" usually. but i have come to realize eels dont have a compatability list that is too long. (aggressive moray)

Ive found huge magestic angel for nice price maybe i go that way instead of aggressive fish
Perhaps, though it also depends on the species of eel. My snowflake is pretty docile and has been living with a humu humu trigger for some time now....they actually seem to hunt together. I would imagine that the porc would be ok.... but I would observe their behavior very closely.
Knowing how monster porky's can get that means you are game for a 200 or so gallon tank. If you buy a small one that is only a couple inches you probably have a year, two at the most, before you have to upgrade.

As always....make darn sure you aquascape the tank so that the eel AND the puffer have separate caves/hiding spots.

Also of consideration....porky's have tunnel vision bigtime when they feed and eel's cant see for crap they just bite in the direction of the smell of food. This could make for some interesting situations during feeding time.....
i have a porky thats about 3-4 inches inches with a golden tail and a chainlink.they dont seem to mind each other.been in the tank around a year.its a standard 120 gal.with about 180lb of live rock.the eels like all the rock.as far as feeding is concerned just be sure to use a feeding stick that way you can be sure to get everyone some food.the eels are very aggressive at feeding i usually feed them first.