Possable Berlin skimmer mod *pics*


New member
Looking for a way to increase the production of a berlin skimmer. Would it work if i took the pipe out that is in between the 2 lines, and replaces that with a beckett like in the pics?
Would it help the skimmer?


Dont mind the dirty berlin in the pic. Was right after i got it, it is much cleaner now.
the body would be too small for that much air volume. you would need alot bigger body. hook up a needle wheel to it.
Nope, whack off the base and build a larger mixing box. Use threaded plugs to cap off the drains and remove the inside riser. Beckett viola'

sumphead said:
Nope, whack off the base and build a larger mixing box. Use threaded plugs to cap off the drains and remove the inside riser. Beckett viola'

this would work. i just didnt think he wanted to do that much work.
The skimmer body is too small for a beckett. You'll have lots of water turbulance and your water level will be too high as well. I would suggest a needle wheel as well.

May I ask...do you mean it should have a needle wheel pump?
I also have this skimmer...teed off from an 1800 MD on a 65 gal tank.It's not skimming like I want.If I give it a seperate pump,would that be a solution?What size/number pump would you use?
Look into a mazzei 384,584, or 684 injector. I have been thinking about this mod on one of my customers tanks with that skimmer. Call Mazzei they would know which one for sure to use.
Or try some kind of needlewhel pump, a Beckett would just be too much flow for that size skimmer
I tried using a kent venturi with a rio 3100 and thought the performance was pathetic. I'm looking for ways to make it work too. If I don't clean the skimmer body every couple days it just stops working. Maybe someone has some ideas for me too...:D
Needle wheel is the way to go.I used the ocean runner 2500 from aqua medic. Just remove the venturi from the berlin and plug its air intake .
Had one before i built a er clone. What i did was as follows:
1. take out the stock venturi and install a diy one
2. use either a mag 5 or 7.5 for the pump
3. remove the small tube with the diverter
4. use as large of a tube on the veturi as possible
should work fairly well depending on your bio load
hope that helps
If everybody choose to modify with needlewheel, what is the minimum diam if u want to user with becket? I have 5" diameter, 70cm height acrilic tubing, 1 power head 6000L/H, is that enough or too big?
couldn't you just drop a air block powered by an air pump down the middle of the skimmer into the mixing box? I was thinking of doing this myself? If anyone has tried this could you tell me the results. thanks
FWIW Red sea has a "turbo" pump upgrade meant specifically for these skimmers - I just hooked one up to my excalibur skimmer yesterday, and it seems to be working well...
Nice work Greg. But that's not really a mod so much as you're building a new skimmer using parts from an old Berlin. If you're gonna do that much work already why not make the collection cup even bigger?
