New member
My tests results for nitrate and phosphate have consistently read very close to zero for at least a month now, (Hannah checker, salifert) but hair algae continues to thrive. I scrub it off the rocks when I can but it grows back within the week. However, my pH has been in the 7.8 range for a while which I am thinking may be because of my NOPOx dosage (3ml) and the excess bacteria it creates which are most likely consuming the oxygen in the water and therefore lowering the pH. My question is, will increasing the pH limit/stop the algae growth, or have I overlooked other possible causes? All coral doing great/growing, acros, lps, which I find weird in the midst of all the algae. Windows in the room are always open to allow for O2, and I've also tried baking soda to raise the pH.
Weekly 20% water changes. GFO in filter bag, RoDi system, 20 gallon tank 3yrs old.
Alk 8.5
Cal 480
Weekly 20% water changes. GFO in filter bag, RoDi system, 20 gallon tank 3yrs old.
Alk 8.5
Cal 480