Possible crab available?

Alternative idea.

2 1/2 tsp. celery seed
2 1/2 tsp. black pepper
2 1/2 tsp. red pepper
2 1/2 tsp. dry mustard
10 tsp. coarse salt
1 c. vinegar
1 c. water

Keep crabs very cold until ready to steam. Put vinegar and water in bottom of large crab pot. Place rack over liquid and layer crabs carefully, sprinkling each layer with combined dry ingredients. Steam 30 minutes. Crabs should be bright red. Important: Lid must be sure so no steam escapes. Dry ingredients may be stored in tightly covered container
Hahaha! I'll have to show that to my wife! Someone suggested something I hadn't thought of yet; toss him down into my sump and let him keep things clean down there. :D Might be worth it, though I'll have to do some weeding of the macro I got growing down there. :)
Oh yeah Sump Monsters are great. I had a foot+ long bristleworm down there that would eat your hand off.