Possible Photon 48 for sale


New member
Hey everyone,

Before I pull the trigger on new lights, I want to gage interest for my Photon 48. It's one year old and in great condition. I am looking to sell it for $250-$300.

Thanks for looking!
I know how you feel. I'm buying two Hydra 52 HD LED's for my build.

Haha that's awesome! I'm looking at 2 Hydra 26 HD for my 75 + T5 Supplements... The reefbreeders grow coral like weeds, but I'm giving in to marketing and want more controllability. BTW the March TBRC meeting is at my place on the 12th and I'm roughly 15 minutes from Westchase, head on over!
Haha that's awesome! I'm looking at 2 Hydra 26 HD for my 75 + T5 Supplements... The reefbreeders grow coral like weeds, but I'm giving in to marketing and want more controllability. BTW the March TBRC meeting is at my place on the 12th and I'm roughly 15 minutes from Westchase, head on over!

I have the photon 24, I too have a 75 that I am building now. And I want to put 2 hydra 26 HD's on them as well! Was thinking about buying your light if I don't get the hydras...but after seeing the reviews and like you said controllability I want them for sure! I also heard that Ecotech designed the LED's don;t know how true that is.
I have this same light. Love the built in timer/programer. Sunrise to sunset is fairly easy to set. And what little corals i have in that tank love the light. Glws
I have this same light. Love the built in timer/programer. Sunrise to sunset is fairly easy to set. And what little corals i have in that tank love the light. Glws

Thanks bud, yeah it's a great light. Unfortunately demand for used items has been a little weak lately...