possible seahorse tank?

Its too small for most horses, but the main thing that concerns me about that tank is it become too hot for the horses.
Remember that even tropical seahorses should not be kept at temperatures above 75 degrees F
generally it is 30 gallons for the first pair of larger (erectus, reidi, etc.) and 15 gallons for each additional pair.
i also heard that the dwarfs require frozen food is that true?

i would need a chiller even with a low output light?
5g tanks are more then plentiful for dwarves. 10g or larger and you'd likely not find them for viewing much. Dwaves require live food. Enriched, decapsulated brine shrimp hatched twice daily for them is there normal diet. A full grown dwarf seahorse grows to be about 1"-2" inches tall.

Good luck with your tank!