Potomac Reef - 150gal designed for upkeep and sustainability.


New member

I am about 6 weeks away from moving, and as part of the moving deal, my wife has agreed to the "new tank" rider. So.... It looks like I'll be getting a 5x2x2ish 150 g system (currently stalking the RS Max S 650).

I am planning for a mixed reef, with an elegant design that is visually appealing and easy for me to maintain. Automation is allowed!

It will be going along a 15 foot (give or take) wall with endcaps. I have already run a line from a closet where I will make RO/DI water, to this center of this wall so I can replace evaporation.

As I continue planning, I have a few questions that I'd like some ideas on.

1. Any structural things I can do to the new location to make life better? There will not be a "fish room" or large dedicated space. I am allocated part of the wall, and a closet- that's it. Install must be clean and professional and not look like a science project. I am thinking I'll probably replace the outlet, which will be behind the tank - with some sort of water proofed one.

I had the builder put a water line in the closet, and I will have a drain for the RO/DI waste water. I did not plan a real drain (mistake) :debi:for water changes. What am I missing?

2. I will be moving the contents of a 72g tank into this new tank. So the plan is to get the new tank up and running, and then move the livestock in with as much water as I can move. A few fish, corals, and liverock. Question - given this sequence - any thoughts on how I should handle adding new rock and sand? I will need a lot of new rock - large pieces particularly. Should I build the basic 'scape with dead base rock, and dry sand and then move my existing rock and some sand in to seed it? Or am I better off getting LR and dealing with time for a cycle? My main constraints are 1) need to move to tank swiftly, 2) cannot have buckets of rotting rock sitting in brand new house or the master bedroom will be closed to me, 3) am not in a rush to get new fish etc beyond the 3 I have - so low bio load at first while things stabilize.
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Moving into 150g Mixed Reef

Moving into 150g Mixed Reef

Here is the floor plan I am working with.

And the wall the tank will go against

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I wish that I had reinforced my floor joists and added a dedicated circuit (or two) during the home construction. Sadly we were to busy picking tile colors....
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here's my s650 against a long brick wall. make sure u leave at least 6 inches between tank and wall to access outlets, wires, and down drain knob. you will have lots of wires to plug in (i'm up to 14 already) so make sure electrician puts in a 4 way outlet to give yourself some options.

i run my rodi line up thru the floor behind the tank and into the sump. its controlled by a plastic float with a safeguard (leak detectors) hovering above the water which will shut off the rodi line if the water level in the sump is too high.

how do you plan on doing water changes? highly recommend running pvc behind the tank and maybe thru the floor if possible to a basement sink/drain. set up an easy siphon.

good luck
The tank is on the main floor. There is a load bearing wall running under it.

My plan on ATO is via the closet on the diagram - I have run a line from that closet, through the floor to the wall behind the tank. I expect that I will gravity feed the float in the sump with a RO reservoir in the closet.

Water changes are another matter. I think that I am going to run a PVC line from the closet down into my HVAC room to the sewer crock. Then, via a complete and fun to build assembly of valves harkening back to my days in the submarine service, will be able to mix and pump water from the closet to the tank after first siphoning water down that drain line to the sewer. I was thinking a flexible, removable hose connecting to the closet and into the tank would serve both purposes.

I had them run a cold water line into the closet, so I have water for RO already there. My other option is to do more in the HVAC room - but I'd rather be in sight of the tank. Thoughts / improvements?
No structural needs if there is a load bearing wall under it, that wall spreads out the load.
Sadly the wall runs parallel under one joist and half the talk longwise is on another joist. I'm worrying about that joist sagging. It would be 1000lbs in the middle of a 16' span. Will probably reinforce it before the tank comes. If only...

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So the wall between the tank and the study does not carry all the way through the basement, there is a basement wall perpendicular to the that wall? Is the ceiling still off in the basement?
The wall in the basement is about 2 feet in front of the wall on the main floor. Parallel to each other. And we have drywall on the basement ceiling. Builder isn't into change orders...

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The engineering analysis has continued. It looks like the joist that is fully supported will run directly down the middle of the tank - couldn't be more perfect. This joist can carry 2100 lbs / foot of vertical load, so my 2000lbs/5ft = 400lbs/ft should be fine - so says the kind man from the manufacturer. Will have to make sure the stand feet are fully level and secure.

I am going to stop worrying about this and start dreaming about livestock...and equipment...and water chemistry.
Beautiful home! I wish I could answer your load bearing needs, but alas not my area. I can't wait to see your tank up and running. You should do a build thread so we can follow the progress.
Potomac Reef - 150gal designed for upkeep and sustainability.

Looking forward to doing it. I get so much inspiration from RC! We have power and light today. I am going to try and add either a dedicated circuit or a second existing circuit to the tank area. One more month of planning. We close 4/20!

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The house is coming along and we are scheduled to close 4/20. So we will have the tank shortly!

<a href="http://s1253.photobucket.com/user/emvanburen/media/BEF1B293-88A9-412F-93C7-7D57F36448E4_zpsspxplzg2.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh581/emvanburen/BEF1B293-88A9-412F-93C7-7D57F36448E4_zpsspxplzg2.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo BEF1B293-88A9-412F-93C7-7D57F36448E4_zpsspxplzg2.jpg" width = "400"></a>

The family room ("tank room") is progressing as well.
<a href="http://s1253.photobucket.com/user/emvanburen/media/E627C832-F65A-4D62-A703-2BB5C204916D_zpslfahcjzi.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh581/emvanburen/E627C832-F65A-4D62-A703-2BB5C204916D_zpslfahcjzi.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo E627C832-F65A-4D62-A703-2BB5C204916D_zpslfahcjzi.jpg" width = "400"></a>

I am wrestling with waterchange/ATO. My initial, and current, plan is to use the closet out of sight to the left for RO, ATO and mixing SW. I'm planning on putting a drain in it that goes to the HVAC room into the sewer.

However, I could just put everything in the HVAC room, and use a pump ATO vs a gravity ATO. I am reluctant to start moving lots of water in the HVAC room however, and like being able to see the tank when doing tank related chores. Anyone have a preference for remote vs local mixing stations? I AM NOT ALLOWED A FISHROOM! The Terms and Conditions on this project were pretty clear...

I do have a window when holes will be cut into drywall, so I can run things between either the tank and the closet and/or the HVAC room. Ideas include Aquabus cable, 3/8" poly lines for AWC. Anything else I should consider?

APEX is being tested and fiddled with and being made "redundant", mixing plumbing and tanks are on order, final bits of planning are wrapping up! Hopefully we will have a tank wet by 4/28!
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Moving into 150g Mixed Reef

Moving into 150g Mixed Reef

We closed on the house today. Much reefing action will commence shortly! Electrician comes tomorrow for a dedicated circuit.

May get the tank 4/27. Some worry that it will be delayed. Very excited!

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Congrats! I have a 650 -S myself. I will say that if you are going to have a dedictated ATO closet etc then I'd look into another tank. The RSM tank has a chamber in the false back that is a gravity fed ATO that would just be a waste of valuable display space. Also, the cabinet configuration is good and bad, but I really am not in love with the sump design.

Good luck w your decision!
Thanks Goubli. I'm smitten with the light bar and lack of wires. Agree the ato will be a waste. It's too bad.

However the circuit is in - so I have 20 amps of reefing!

And I'm waiting on amazon today and then will have 3 3/8" poly lines ( ato and awc perhaps???? and a aquabus cable between the tank and then closet and or basement hvac room. That's about all I can do for prep I think!

Dedicated circuit - went in quickly. Glad I did it. Now no worries on power.

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Need help with Water Change/ATO

Need help with Water Change/ATO

Spent the morning fishing lines from the tank to the HVAC room. It got me thinking that my previous idea of using the closet for water storage/ATO may not be optimal. Now that I have a clean run from the tank to the HVAC room, I can pretty easily do:

RO/DI Unit water making
NSW mixing
Auto Water Changes

I have been able to fish 3/8" poly lines which should be sufficient for an AWC and for ATO. I have an aquabus cable, and a thermostat 5 conductor wire for any DC needs.

We have 9 foot ceilings in the basement so I probably need to lift the ATO and AWC water 12 feet (9 foot ceiling+ 1.5 Foot Thick Floor + 1.5 feet to the sump level).

Would love any design thoughts on this. Also - for remote from tank ATO systems, how do you control how much water is sent? Seems like I need a system with a) a strong enough pump to move water up 12 feet, and b) a level sensor at the tank. Any suggestions? Thanks