Potomac Reef - 150gal designed for upkeep and sustainability.

Potomac Reef - 150gal designed for upkeep and sustainability.

Here is the finished room.

And the lines for ato/awc .

Now I just need mixing tanks and maybe the spectrapure ato.tanks are taking forever.
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Deep sink now installed. The new spectrapure ato system looks perfect for this build. Will pull water up 25 feet and has a magnetic probe. Of course is not available right now! Still hoping for a Thursday tank. Fingers crossed!

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Moving into 150g Mixed Reef

Moving into 150g Mixed Reef

RO/DI station completed!
<a href="http://s1253.photobucket.com/user/emvanburen/media/IMG_0041_zpsvwpbmdju.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh581/emvanburen/IMG_0041_zpsvwpbmdju.jpg" border="0" width="400" alt=" photo IMG_0041_zpsvwpbmdju.jpg"/></a>

All mounted and routed. Mixing tanks arrive tomorrow.

<a href="http://s1253.photobucket.com/user/emvanburen/media/IMG_6425_zpscwobk38o.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh581/emvanburen/IMG_6425_zpscwobk38o.jpg" border="0" alt=" width="400 photo IMG_6425_zpscwobk38o.jpg"/></a>

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Last Thursday tank delivery vanished last Tuesday - Red Sea you're killing me!. We are aiming for 5/9 now. I've got my gfci on the tank circuit. Will try and run a hard wire cat 5 for the apex too. By delivery I should have almost everything ready or on hand including Fios.

But fortunately the tank wasn't here when the AV guys did this. <a href="http://s1253.photobucket.com/user/emvanburen/media/IMG_6419_zpsdkn8uvmg.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh581/emvanburen/IMG_6419_zpsdkn8uvmg.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo IMG_6419_zpsdkn8uvmg.jpg"/></a>

They cut through two studs directly under the tank location in the basemnt below. My heart stopped when I walked down and saw it. Fortunately no catastrophe and we just added a doubled header to carry the load. Whew!

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Moving into 150g Mixed Reef

Moving into 150g Mixed Reef

Tanks arrive! Any ideas on prepping them? I'm soaking them in fresh water for a bit.
<a href="http://s1253.photobucket.com/user/emvanburen/media/IMG_6430_zpsxvkgrkc6.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh581/emvanburen/IMG_6430_zpsxvkgrkc6.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo IMG_6430_zpsxvkgrkc6.jpg"/></a>

The old tank comes down tomorrow and my livestock is off to quarantine camp for a few weeks. I'll miss them but they will come back to better quarters!

<a href="http://s1253.photobucket.com/user/emvanburen/media/IMG_6438_zpsxvjwhxeu.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/hh581/emvanburen/IMG_6438_zpsxvjwhxeu.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo IMG_6438_zpsxvjwhxeu.jpg"/></a>

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Potomac Reef - 150gal designed for upkeep and sustainability.

Good morning RC. A lot has happened since my last post. Here is a quick video while I figure out how to post more pictures. https://youtu.be/mEDLLkBTqPc

I have been happy with the Red Sea Tank and don't regret getting it - and - everyone's comments about why I shouldn't have gotten it were correct too. A great way to get a larger tank up and running. There are many things an enthusiast will want to change later.


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Potomac Reef - 150gal designed for upkeep and sustainability.

Since my last posts, the LFS and their movers brought the tank in and got it set up. Glad I didn't just get buddies to lift it.

We got it wet and filled with all new man made reef rock, cured. Cycled the tank quickly w Red Sea's Reef Mature product, and moved my buddies back in.

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The auto too off / automatic water change system went in easily and have been working great. I put all of it in the basement.

I have the mix pump and nsw heater apex controlled and rigged a top and bottom return to make mixing easier.

The spectrapure ato is in the stand and works great.

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Potomac Reef - 150gal designed for upkeep and sustainability.

I have rigged several DOS units to control foundations (Ca, Alk, Mg, and NOPOX).

Also dosing Reef Energy daily and Reef Colors weekly (or better - thinking about automating them).

The ease of adjusting the DOS units has be fantastic as my consumption of elements has gone up.

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Potomac Reef - 150gal designed for upkeep and sustainability.

I replaced the stock skimmer with the NYOS 160 with an AquaDriver Head. Love the head! Hate the skimmer. While quiet, it doesn't restart consistently. Red Sea suggests shutting off the skimmer when dosing reef energy - which I now can't do. Frustrating. Customer support tried to help but couldn't get all the way there.

Running gfo in a reactor and gac in a bag. Added chaeto and an H380 Light. It is growing like crazy!

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Potomac Reef - 150gal designed for upkeep and sustainability.

I have installed a good amount of redundancy. Skimmer cup full, hi/low sump, leak, dosing low plus water chem alerts.

Still don't have a good solution for short term power loss - I don't want to run vortech pumps (visually) and don't have a good place for a large ups.

Also, heat is a bit of a challenge. I think when summer arrives, I'm going to have problems now that I have the fuge Light. I'm between 78-79 now with a 72 house.

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Still don't have a good solution for short term power loss - I don't want to run vortech pumps (visually) and don't have a good place for a large ups. A single pump will keep things oxygenated just fine.

Also, heat is a bit of a challenge. I think when summer arrives, I'm going to have problems now that I have the fuge Light. I'm between 78-79 now with a 72 house. A fan can be your best friend. You have one circulating the air in your stand, but can you set one up to move air out of the stand?
View attachment 383405

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A fan can be your best friend. You have one circulating the air in your stand, but can you set one up to move air out of the stand?

I had the fan blowing on the sump but realized I was just blowing hot air down. So I moved it to blow against the door to both vent, and cool since the door should be cooler.

I have an Icecap fan that I can install on the back of the stand to blow air in. It was suggested to always blow air in since it isn't humid and will save the fan, and the air will vent out through doors etc. Hopefully that is good counsel. Given that the tank gets to 79 when the room exceeds 73, I think I need to try installing that fan soon! Maybe today...
A single pump will keep things oxygenated just fine.

Yeah - I agree and would like to get one rigged to automatically come on.

I could get a smaller UPS and hook up one of my recirc pumps to it. Or find a DC pump that could replace one of the recirc pumps. But I need a DC type powerhead that is battery powerable with a outlet pipe. Haven't found it yet. The back chamber of the RSM 650 is really sweet and I'd like to keep pumps back there and out of the tank.
I love the setup! If youre ever in richmond and want to stop by send me a message, I've got some sps that would look nice on the tips of that tonga.