Powder Blue Tangs for $20.00

Even if you QT them for 8 weeks they will still have it? or are you just saying they almost always have it when you first recieve them?
i believe the ich is always in the water, its just when the immune system of the fish starts to get low, the ich takes over until the fish can fight it off.
I thought the UV would help with killing the ich in the water, guess not.
good price on the fish though, if my tank was up and running id be in on it in a second
In my experience Powder Blues always get it, no matter how good to feed them, there just prone to it. Thats why I don't keep them.
I got the email yesterday while i was at work, i immediately called my GF and begged her to go for me since i was at work. well she got there and there were like 4 left. I told her to pick out the "prettiest one" hopefully the prettiest one to her would mean the nicest color, no white spots, and no torn fins to us reefers. Well needless to say, i got one. Dude for 20 Bux i couldnt pass it up. totally an impulse buy! lol yea i know, im horrible. well i was thinking that it was gonna some ultra small skinny unhealthy specimen. i asked her to yahoo a pic of one that closest resembles the one she got. She sent me some pale skinny bones showing fish, i was like OH NO! well i was pleasently suprised when i got home, Perfect size, about 4-5in, no ich showing, clear fins and eyes, and actually pretty fat. put him in my sump, went to dinner, got him, dumped some mysis, in the sump, and HE ATE!! so im pretty excited. i can post some pics of it when i get home if you guys want to see. did anyone else get one?
I got one. Mines looks nice and healthy too. I didn't know they liked mysis. I thought they were herbivores.
Well yea they are but just like with any other tang, they can learn to eat mysis, brine, etc, also. I wouldnt try to feed that exclusively though. I would focus on nori or sea weed selects or even flake geared towards angels and tangs.
This morning his colors were still fine, became active as soon as i turned the lights on. If hes still ok when i get home and hes eating im going to put him into the display tonight so as nto to stress him more in my sump. I also run a UV sterilizer and ive noticed ich not becoming too much of an issue anymore on new fish, esp my tangs.
well ike i promised................here are two pics of the $20 PBT. Man this is one of the best specimens i have seen, and even today, he was eating mysis when i fed him when i got home from work......hes in the main display now, setling in.

I was there again to get some sea weed and they still had 1 PBT there in the tanks and they had 2 more that were acclimating, so if you still have the coupons(i cant remember if there was an expiration) you can still hop on a PBT for a reall good price. They also had a shipment of medium sized Hippo Tangs that looked Reallyyyyy nice, they were about 4 inches. Some of the nicer ones ive seen around in a while.