Power outage question


New member
Hello everyone, I have sort of been a ghost on this site for several months now just because I love seeing all of your beautiful reefs. I have not really had a reason to post here since I am only a freshwater guy for now with a malawi cichlid tank and a planted tank. I have had marine experience in the past but only with a fish only tank. Anyway, I figured i would gear my question to this forum in particular mainly because it is the one I check out the most and I figure it would apply to large reef tanks. When the power goes out for a long period of time....what backup power methods do you guys use? I ask because I understand that lack of support systems can mean quick destruction of the reef. 2 years ago we had a power outage for like 12 hours and I was worried about my freshwater tanks......could only imagine for a reef. Sorry if this topic was already discussed somewhere on rc as I am sure it has been but I could not find anything. This is just one question I am trying to get answered in my quest for knowledge continues for when I do my own reef someday. Thanks for your help
i have UPS backups on my main return pumps. they will run the for a few hours. For the hurricane type situations, I bought a gas generator for the specific purpose.
I was thinking that a gas generator would be the most probable solution. Do you just run the essentials on the generator or do you run your entire system?
I have a generator big enough to keep the main return pump and heater on. Plus a couple of lights for us to see :-)

I will only start it up if the power has been out for more than an hour or so. Luckily, I havent had to use it yet! But I know I will sooner or later.

The cost of a generator (or some other form of emergency back up) is small compared to the value of livestock in many tanks!
Uniterruptable Power Supply. Batteries connected to an intelligent Charger. When 110V is present the unit charges and maintains the battery charge. When power is lost the DC battery power is convert DC into AC power, for as long as the batteries last. You mostly see them used for computers so that when there is a power loss you can run the computer long enough to save the data and safely shutdown the computer.
yeah people have insurance on their homes and cars and life. Why not buy a generator for the tank. I have a 3000 watt generator for the tanks and i paid 250.00 for it on sale. Thats great insurance considering what i have paid for fish rocks etc. etc. etc.
I had to go rent a generator form Home Depot just last week when we had a power outage in my neighborhood on a Sunday afternoon. Power was out for 4 hours so it was a great thing I went out and rented it immediately.

FYI, it's only $25 to rent a 3000w generator for 4 hours. $36 for 24hrs just in case you run into the situation I did.

I need to suck it up and buy one.
I have one of those super-quiet Honda ones specifically for my tank, that way it can run through the night without disturbing the neighbors, that's another consideration if you have an extended outage. I kept my tank alive using an inverter on my car batteries and rotating vehicles through the entire night recently... I bought the Honda the next day!