Hello everyone, I have sort of been a ghost on this site for several months now just because I love seeing all of your beautiful reefs. I have not really had a reason to post here since I am only a freshwater guy for now with a malawi cichlid tank and a planted tank. I have had marine experience in the past but only with a fish only tank. Anyway, I figured i would gear my question to this forum in particular mainly because it is the one I check out the most and I figure it would apply to large reef tanks. When the power goes out for a long period of time....what backup power methods do you guys use? I ask because I understand that lack of support systems can mean quick destruction of the reef. 2 years ago we had a power outage for like 12 hours and I was worried about my freshwater tanks......could only imagine for a reef. Sorry if this topic was already discussed somewhere on rc as I am sure it has been but I could not find anything. This is just one question I am trying to get answered in my quest for knowledge continues for when I do my own reef someday. Thanks for your help