Power outage


New member
Hi all ,

I just got a notice from Edison saying that the power will be out on Wednesday night 1130pm to Thursday 530am. What is the best generator do you guy think I can buy that is good to run 2 return pumps for that 6 hrs period outage. I have 2 sp4 return pumps by the way.

Thanks in advance .
Honda if money isn't an issue.


This model will run a couple of return pumps, a couple of power heads and likely a couple of LEDs.

If you don't think you'll use it much, the predator version from harbor freight, or the Yamaha knockoff at Costco will do mostly the same for half the money or less.

Get an inverter style whichever you choose.

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I've ran an M1 and a 300w heater over night with the 100.00 tailgating generator from Harbor Freight.

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If you're going to get a generator, please don't forget about your refrigerator/freezer. Food spoiling/thawing out could get costly and messy to clean up.
Where do you live, you may not even need a heater right now. Just run some battery powered air stones over night and call it a day.
If you're going to get a generator, please don't forget about your refrigerator/freezer. Food spoiling/thawing out could get costly and messy to clean up.

Dude saving the fish and coral is a much higher priority! What are you talking about Kelly? :P
Champion is a good model, I have used it a couple of times, get the 2K model at Tractor Supply, it still might be 50 off, also get an inverter model not a job site model.
Damn the only harbor freight store that has the tailgater is over an hour away. I couldn't make it today and won't be able to make it tomorrow, worse come worse I might head to the lfs to grab some battery operated air pumps as bean machine mentioned. Thanks for all your suggestions guys.
so if you are looking for a non-gas option that you can run inside your house and that is quiet, the jackery explorer is an option. it is pricey, but has been worth its weight in gold for me and my tank. you are in a similar situation like me. SCE always does these planned overnight outages and gas generators are not an option for me due to noise and HOA rules. So the jackery has been money for me as I can run 300w heater, return pump and a mp40 on lowest setting for 8-9 hours on the explorer 1000. and i can recharge it with solar panels. I also have a yamaha gas generator, but that is only for longer multi-day outages. regarding the frige and freezer, i dont worry about those for a 8-9 hour outage at night as long as i keep them shut. however, if it is a multi day outage, i'll bust out the yamaha and hook up all the appliances too. hope this helps.
so if you are looking for a non-gas option that you can run inside your house and that is quiet, the jackery explorer is an option. it is pricey, but has been worth its weight in gold for me and my tank. you are in a similar situation like me. SCE always does these planned overnight outages and gas generators are not an option for me due to noise and HOA rules. So the jackery has been money for me as I can run 300w heater, return pump and a mp40 on lowest setting for 8-9 hours on the explorer 1000. and i can recharge it with solar panels. I also have a yamaha gas generator, but that is only for longer multi-day outages. regarding the frige and freezer, i dont worry about those for a 8-9 hour outage at night as long as i keep them shut. however, if it is a multi day outage, i'll bust out the yamaha and hook up all the appliances too. hope this helps.

That was exactly my plan. I just saw the notice last night and I was like hel nah .
I have a Prius. I hooked a large power inverter to the battery. I just leave the car on and lock it up. Run power cords to the aquarium. Works great.
Best would be a Yamaha or Honda..

I bought a 2 stroke generator from HF for $99.00 a couple years ago. It will run a few pumps, a fridge and my TV..