power supply 6095


Premium Member

I have a motor block for 6095, so I ordered the turbelle controller for it from Germany assuming it comes with the power cord, which it doesn't.

Will any computer cord that fits work?

Will the cord from my old style 6095, where the power supply box has the little voltage plug in thingy work? (I can't seem to locate my bunch of those plug ins but the 12V one is currently in it)

The power supply is part 6095.240 and is seperate.

There are two generations of 6095, pre 2015 had a little black box, if you want to add a controller, you need 7090.000, this has a patch cable to connect from inside the controller to the black box from the flat 5 pin white connector to a 5P pin DIN. The post 2015 models have the controller built in, instead of the black box, the motor ends in a flat white 5 pin plug that plugs in inside the 7090.500.
Hi Roger,
Thanks for your response.

I would appreciate clarification on the following: I have a post 2015 6095 motor block (about 1 year old) for which I recently ordered the controller, and didn't realize it didn't come with a power supply.

I now know I can buy the corresponding power supply separately, BUT I have an old power supply left over from a pre 2015 6095 (that pump no longer works). Can I use the old power supply with the new 6095 pump/controller?

Just wanted to know if it will work, or will I damage something etc.

Thank you!
Yes, the old power supply will work, but should be set to 24V by either the jumper or switch (depending on age) to avoid any conflicts with the controller.