Predatory pods, really need help.


New member
Hey guys, I've been in the hobby for a while and need some help. I've had an explosion of pods and they seem to eat any kind of coral that is soft or fleshy (lps and zoa/paly) and they're decimating my mixed nano. I've had the tank for about a year and have not had any growth on most my corals (sps does fine). They've wiped out multiple colonies of zoas and countless frags. If I set them on a frag rack it'll help for about a week before the pods find their way to them. I've tried freshwater dipping but it's only a temporary fix as they always come back. Does anyone know what I can do? Seems like multiple people have had this problem in the past but couldn't find a good solution, and my tank is too small for any pod eating wrasse. Someone mentioned intereceptor for dogs but I'm worried it'd kill everything in my tank or cause it to re-cycle.

Any help appreciated, and please don't tell me that pods don't eat coral, they do, and they love it lmao.

Tank is nuvo 10g with ai prime running at 60%
Has pair of clownfish and clean up crew for livestock.
Tank parameters

Ph 8.1
Cal 380-400
Mg 1350
KH 9dkh
Phosphate 0
Nitrate 0
Alk 180
Ammonia 0
Nitrite -0

Parameters are always consistent besides my salinity which varies when I forget to fill my top off container....😅
Bayer or interceptor would work but the real issue is the ammonia spike that could result from all the pods dying off. You really need another tank to put the corals, clowns and clean up crew into after the coral dips and then treat the Nuvo to kill the rest in the DT