Premium Aquatics RULES!

Not always!!!!

Not always!!!!

Thanks guys, we greatly appreciate it!

I still have not seen a refund for the defective Hanna Checker. I contacted them the same day it was received. This was a couple months ago now. I have purchased many things from them in the past. So it looks like, just hope your product is a good one. :(
What is the name on your order so I can look this up? We process returns weekly, and I know that I do not have any outstanding returns that are needing to be processed right now.


What is the name on your order so I can look this up? We process returns weekly, and I know that I do not have any outstanding returns that are needing to be processed right now.

Thank you Jeremy. I just got an email from paypal stating a payment to my account has been added.
I will right this off as a slipped through the crack deal. :)
Thank you Jeremy. I just got an email from paypal stating a payment to my account has been added.
I will right this off as a slipped through the crack deal. :)

You're exactly right! I had the refund processed on the actual invoice, and showed that I did receive it and check it in, however I didn't refund your money which is actually a manual process with paypal. Sorry for the issue, thanks for calling us on it!
Small order/Big Service

Small order/Big Service

:love2: ....did my 1st order with you guys today....sent 3 "worry wort" emails, all answered and recieved the entire order by UPS no less in 24hrs know how to make a repeat customer
Just adding my support. I'm a big fan and planning to check out the retail store next time I'm in Indiana.