Another noob here, setting up my first saltwater tank
Tank drilled 300 gal
sumps 100 gallon combination of 3 sumps
currently running as freshwater.
i have been doing freshwater for about 5 years and finally decided a couple months ago to go into a reef setup
got the water changing station with RODI and 2 tanks .
here is my question
Starting with BRS 250 lbs of Pukani dry rock, have been reading about the PO4 leaching out and crazy algee grownth. i took out out as many live sponges and any other suff i found on the pukani, then power washed the rock. let it soak in bleach 20:1 solution for 3 days. then soked in clean water for two days. its drying now. now im planning on putting it in circulating salt water using hw salt for about 3 months. do you guys think i will be ok doing this method. i really dont want to mess around with acid as its scares me a bit.
what salinity should i keep the rock while curing for max bacteria production
what temp ?
i will be using all rodi water
i also plan on adding a couple pieces of live rock that i picked up from a local fishstore that i have in my 40 g quarentene tank that i setup up last week.
how do i know if the live rock from the LFS has no pests. been watching it for a week and see nothing so far ? should i treat it for pests before mixing it with my pukani in curing bins ? any advice on dipping or pest prevention from you experts. As i stated its my first salt water tank and i'm trying to do it the right way.
Thank You