Pretty cool pickup for only $5

scuba guy ron

New member
I know they aren't hornets (I actually cant ID them) but I thought they were cool so I wanted o share them.


in the middle

Yeah, I thought they were cool. This lfs has like 5 bins of 5 dollar zoa frags. I'll post some other cool finds I have this evening.
here is a pic of another $5 frag I picked up. It was very sickly when I got it with only one or two polyps open here is a pic about 3 days after I bought it.


here is a pic of the same frag about 10 months later (they are the orange ones in the upper left)

very nice.i just got a frag of blue steels 5 polyps for 10 bucks.they look great and didnt cost alot.if you want to add some nice color to your tank for not alot of money they are a great choice.
For 5 bucks I got a frag of purple hornets, 12 polyps. No joke. I was at a pet store in Washington and the guy was selling these for $5 and I was like YES! Once in a while you run across someone who has no idea what they're doing and get a good deal.

Unfortunatley no, not at the moment because
A) I dont have a camera that will sync pictures to my Mac, for some reason and its frustrating.
B)The zoas closed for a week due to hair algae that I just cleaned off and when opened are kind of faded.

When they color up and can get the stupid camera to work I'll have pictures for sure. I was in shock to get such a good deal.