Price matching question


New member
I see on the web site that you will match prices from other places. I am wondering if that means The final price (after S&H) or the item price (before S&H)? I am looking at getting a AquaC Remora Pro SKimmer with the mag3 and skimmer box but according to web site it will run over $300 with shipping and handling but i can get it cheaper at another site (not sure if it's right to put which one but i will if requested)which is offering free shipping on any sale that reaches over $200. Thansk for any reply you can give to me.

Hi Rich,

Yes, we can match prices, and also match DEALS!! So if another place is offering X amount plus free shipping, we'll match whatever offer they have going.

If you order online, just enter the deal in the comments section at checkout, or mention if you order over phone.



Great I thank you for your time and reply. I have had nothing but pleasure dealing with Premium Aquatics and have always received my orders within 3-5 days so thanks and i will be soon placing my order.

I just bought a kent nautilus skimmer about a week ago and I got a drsfostersmith fish magazine/catalog in and they are having a sale on it. Can I get the price match after I already purchased it or no?
Wow that is very impressive. Not many if any would do something like like, well unless you count Best Buy or Curcuit City.

Hey bro guess I need to make sure I catch you to place my order. I am waiting on your reply before I shift my business elsewhere. Here is the thing. I am ordering a PFO dual 400w kit with 10k bulbs. You and the same online vendor Redcast mentioned are about the same. There shipping is free. One of your reps told me they cannot do this. I asked for you like I always do but you were not in. Your getting a shipment of ballasts in next week. I can wait till then. If not I will go elsewhere. You guys have always well you have always been straight and helpful with me even with that crappy moonlight you sold me. And I returned.Did you see what I was talking about that it does not even illuminate a light bright enough to cause a sparkle in the water?. Back to the subject. PM me Jason or reply on here let me know. I am getting to the point I dont want to deal with any of them other guys up there besides you. If they dont want the commission for a 500 light system and 250 RO unit in one sale then I will just wait for you to call me back for now on LOL.

Danny, Frisco Texas
Jason you sure are in a Generous mood!

Jason you sure are in a Generous mood!

Hey Jason, I have a used Red Sea Berlin that I paid $40.00 dollars for. It's being run by a Mag 7 I bought from you 6 months ago.

I saw the Mag $2.00 cheaper at

Can I get a credit for the $2.00 and trade my RSB in for a new Euroreef even up?

mjd (the customer who is ALWAYS right).

PS. Will you pay for me shipping my RSB to you as well? If so it's a deal.