Price Of Tunze

Yes, Sept 1st 8% which is the difference in the Exchange rate only $1.17 to the Euro last year, $1.26 to the Euro now. Their are some exceptions as a few things didn't change at all and the 7095 went up 20% but that was because the cost of producing them was higher than the price we guestimated before one had ever been made.
So how much will the MSRP retail price of a 7095 Controller be after September 1st??

(U.S. Dollars please)

$241.31, everything else will be fairly negligible, a 6000 for example goes from 240.70-259.96.
Yes, but not until the next catalogue comes out, for the next year the prices are what they are.
IU have a good friend in Germany. If she sends me Tunze "gifts". can i convert them to work on the US electric system?

I had a Tunze skimmer years ago, never should have sold it. Best skimmer ever.
Unfortunately the HZ stand in the way, 50HZ pumps won't run on 60HZ even if you have voltage conversion, they will work for a short time and then burn out.