
Thanks for the question. We assure you that nothing fishy is going on here. :)

But seriously, there is only one place that we know that is releasing TR clown triggers and they are charging as a distribution price more than what your LFS has them advertised for. You might want to check the source of the ones at your LFS.

The other scenario could be what we experienced. The first time they were released they were much cheaper and we could charge 90 bucks or so a piece for them as well. When we got them in a couple of weeks ago, we didn't even notice the price had doubled so we initially released them at the old price before changing it. Your LFS might have the old price in their system still so it might be a good idea to buy one if you are in the market before they realize. ;)

Take care and have a great weekend.
Understood. I suspected that at first, but I know the place distributing them is, that place in la, marine of quality (don't want to put exact name on here )

I am guessing they jumped up and I got the lag price. Paid cash and cost me 75, sounds like I should have bought the other one as well.
