PRO BIO S left at room T/24 hours: Question


New member

By accident I left out the refrigerator for 24 hours, at room temperature (70F), my new 50 ml Pro Bios S flask (open 2 weeks ago).

Question: Do I have to replace it or I can continue using it ?

I use 6 drops/day.

Thank you
AquaForest is a site sponsor with their own forum, a quick post there will probably get you a quick reply directly from the manufacturer.

Thanks for the help, but I am still waiting an answer from Aquaforest. This is their site. Unless someone had the same issue and tell me .... is fine, do not worry.

These bacteria's are kept at room temperature until you open the flask, then you have to refrigerate it. There is no explanation at all why. But I assume that with the opening of the flask you start to generate a periodic entrance of air, keeping active the bacteria's. The low temp reduce their metabolic activity. If this is correct, my mistake will only represent a faster expiration day. If that is AQUAFOREST answer I am happy as I use 1 flask in around 3 months.

I have been using this product since it was launched in USA.

PLEASE.... Aquaforest, can you answer my question.

Thank you !!!
Aquaforest.... will you ever answer my question or you do not have any idea of the product you sell.