Problem with Tunze pumps


New member
I have a 6101 and a 6102 hooked up to L1&L2. They have been running for some time, using a Y connector & a Tunze 1 & 2 cable. The other day I took a good look at the pumps and was sure that they are running the same pattern, 20% min, 50% max, permanet opposite. Well..the proflux shows that pump1 is at min and pump2 is at max, what I would expect. There is a odd thing that happens if I put min at 18%, the pump will stop, so I deceided to put that to good use. I set both pumps to min 18%. They both stopped and started at the same time, so even though the profilux says they are opposite, they are not. The only way I got it to work opposite is to use L3 & L4 for pump 2. So L1 & L2 have pump 1, L3 & L4 have pump 2. Looking at my Tunze 1 & Tunze 2 cable, the colors in the RJ 12 are the same. Looking at the Y connector, the RJ 12 pins are the same. It seems to me that there needs to be something different on the RJ 12's or the pumps get the same 1 to 10v input. Can you post up the output interface lines of the 1v to 10v. I also would like to control seperately my 2 led sticks, which I can't. I also have 4 dimmable ballests that I still need to hook up and I'm running out of L slots. Which brings a question. I have the extended card which takes me to L5&L6. I also bought the L4 card, which should take me to L7& L8, L9 & L10. The profilux only goes to L7&L8, surprise, lost two L ports.
Are you sure you have a Tunze 1 & Tunze 2 cable?? when I go home tonight I can tell you the wire mapping.
Tunze 1 acts only on L1 and Tunze 2 on the other ports it sounds like you have Tunze1 on the other ports.

The way to check which one is which is to put the cable on L1 and see if it works if it does it is Tunze1 if it does not it is Tunze2.

Also make sure as said above you are set to 3V to 8V
I didn't know about 3v and 8v will look into that. Not sure where to look. I'll check to see if that is a option in the software. The cables came as Tunze 1 & 2, in fact I used the label on each package to identify each cable. But it looks like I have 2 Tunze 1 cables since they both work when plugged directly into the L1 port. I can figure out the wiring by using a volt meter and just open and change the Y connector wiring. I just thought it would be easier if I had the pin outs for the L ports.
GHL will not list pins outs simply to stop competition copying the design and schematic.

Sorry, if they were listed here we would remove them.

Setting up of the interface is in the 1-10Volt interface settings, this is in all versions of software.

The Tunze cables will work no matter what L port you put them in, they just will not react to change, so when deciding which is which, check to make sure they are ramping up and down.

From what you have said it sounds like you have the right cables but need to re range the voltages.
Yes I'm using the Y that came in the kit.....I'll figure out the pin outs and hopefully get this to work correctly. Thanks for the help.