Problem with waveboxes


New member
My wavebox stopped working the other day, I took it apart and cleaned it but it was still a no go. The light does not come on on either the transformer or the controller (however the controller works with a 6100 and I've jerry rigged a "DIY" wavebox from the various parts as described in this thread).

I had the same problem with an older model wavebox (purchased in 2006) that stopped working. Is there any way to figure out what part has stopped working or which part needs replacement? The old wavebox is no longer under warranty and I don't have a recept showing purchase date of the newer wavebox but bought it in 2008.

Christy :)
In the case of the newer unit it sounds like a dead power supply. I would contact Xenia, they are the distributor for Canada and should be able to replace the power supply under warranty as long as it did not get wet. For the older pump, they should be able to diagnose it and quote a repair cost.