Problem with Zoas. Need help!


New member
For some reason in my 90 gallon tank my zoanthid colonies had not been doing well. Water parameters are great but this rock was completely covered and slowly small clumps of polyps have been coming off and floating around the tank. I moved all of my zoanthids to my 40 gallon sps and lps tank and a fews weeks after i noticed these bubbles. The bubbles are rock hard and will not come off of the rock. I got one to break free but it wasn't easy. Any help or ideas would be appreciated.

Bubble algae (?).
You can remove them with tweezers.
Take the rock out of the water and avoid to explode the bubbles while removing them 'cause they'll release spores in the water if you puncture them.

Good luck.

I'm really not sure. I've never seen this before. It's only on my zoas. I have all different types of sps and lps and they are having no issues.
Thanks for the help. I do have some real lite white hair algae as well. I always end up with the weirdest issues in my tanks.
Nah man, bubble algae and algae In general is something we all deal with, just listen and learn and before you know it you will be sharing the knowledge, there is lots to learn
Looks like the bubble algae is overtaking your zoas. I had bubble on one of my rocks & I just took out entire rock. Too much of a pain to get rid of & not worth the risk of spreading through my tank. I would scrub them off in seperate jug of saltwater before it spreads.
A good way to keep bubble algae in check is to add a Sailfin tang to the aquarium.
You can try the Zebrasoma desjardinii (Red Sea Sailfin Tang), or Zebrasoma veliferum the Hawaiian one.
Just make sure you get a small individual and upgrade to a bigger tank after some years.
Sailfin Tangs are pretty nice fishes and have a good personality. :D
Good luck!

I have another break in the zoa problem. Most of the polyps are closed now and I just noticed these hand like things between the polyps.

Well, closed polyps could have a "billion" of causes.

In regards to the "hands" I just can't see what's in there, but could be a hydroid.
If they are irritating the zoas just remove them with a sharp knife or tweezers.

You will know if they are the reason for the polyps to close after you remove them.
That could be it.

Looks like a featherduster to me. If that's what it is, I don't think it'll hurt the zoas they grow amongst mine sometimes.
It almost looks like a hand of a pulsing Xenia. Really weird. I don't have any feather dusters and have had this particular coral for more than a year. I'm leaning towardsin a bad thing.
It almost looks like a hand of a pulsing Xenia. Really weird. I don't have any feather dusters and have had this particular coral for more than a year. I'm leaning towardsin a bad thing.

Again, if that is irritating the zoas just remove it.

You should post your details here.
As I've said, there are many reasons for the zoas to be closed.
Please post your params and set up details, so people could try to help you.

There are no similar creatures near the other closed polyps.

Could be chemistry, lights, or even nocturnal predators/ fishes.

You should post your details here.
As I've said, there are many reasons for the zoas to be closed.
Please post your params and set up details, so people could try to help you.

There are no similar creatures near the other closed polyps.

Could be chemistry, lights, or even nocturnal predators/ fishes.


Thanks for all of your attention to my thread. I do appreciate it. I'll try to remove that thing today. my tank parameters are as follows.

Tank 6 months old
Ammonia 0
Nitrites 0
Nitrates 3
PH 8
Magnesium 1410
Calcium 460
Salinity 1.025
Temp 77
phosphates 0
Alk 9
Lighting Maxspect Razor 16k 160w whites (50%) blues (60%)

Tank inhabitants are very small yellow tang, one clown, one green chromes, coral banded shrimp, bubble anemone, clean up crew. The closest thing to the polyps are a mushroom and a plate that are about 6in away. I'll post a pic to help. This is the 40 breeder in my signature for the rest of my equipment.

Looks like a feather duster in middle of zoas. But you have a majority of them closed all over the rock. I'm betting its not a pest problem. Zoas can be flakey at times. It's one reason I don't like zoas, a colony can close up & die for unknown reasons. It could be lighting or a chemical problem. I noticed you have a mixed reef.