Problems with a Purpleback Pseudochromis


New member
I have 4 small fish so far in my 65 gal reef.
1 Yellow-Tailed Blue Damsel
1 3 Stripe Damsel
1 Domino
1 Purpleback Pseudochromis.

For some reason my P. Pseudo. has been nipping the Crap out of my Yellow-Tailed Blue's tail. It's almost gone. The Pseudo. has become more territorial than any other damsel or Sgt. Major than I've ever seen before. I am thinking about either trying to sell the fish back to the LFS, or selling it to one on these forums who has a more aggressive tank or a semi aggressive tank where he would fit in better. I will Give practically give him away if someone wants him. I am also willing to trade for another specimen

PM Me if anyone is interrested.
I will post a pic of him when I get home this evening.
He is a beautiful specimen. Only had him for a month. 2 inches long and healthy.
Verry active.
Great fish just slightly aggressive

(Baldy) Dave S.


Good luck on catching that Pseudo. Everyone I have ever seen swim inot small holes in the rock and hide. You will struggle to get him out without tearing down your reef. Maybve you will have a different experience but I doubt it. Heck its only a damsel I would live with it..
I would live with it except I don't want him to mess with my Hippo Tang, Lawnmower Blenny, Sixline Wrasse, and maybe a fairy wrasse or 2.

If anybody wants him, he's a beautiful fish, juss slightly aggressive.