Problems with SPS corals with good water parameters


New member
I'm currently having issues with two corals in my 40 breeder reef system. The tank just turned 8 months old, and all the LPS and soft corals are doing fine. I am well aware of the increased difficulty in husbandry of sps corals in general however I maintain a very strict maintenence, and testing schedule. The tank is a 40 breeder (36×18×17) I believe are the dimensions, and a 20 long sump with a bubble magus curve 5 skimmer, a center chamber with about an inch of sand, and anot every growing ball of Chaeto that I usually trim bi-weekly. Last chamber houses the return pump and finnex digital heater. The tank is stocked with about 50-55lbs of pukani from BRS(started with dry rock). I have about 1.75-2" of live aragonite( bought fresh not second hand or used) in the main display tank mostly for aesthetic reasons. I currently use one jebao 25 for flow, set on wave1 full power. For lighting I'm running 1 kessil a360w hung from the gooseneck on the spectral controller. I am well aware that 1 kessil is not enough to have sps or LPS on the far or lower edges of the tank, however my sps are located 6-7 inches from the water surface, in the middle of the tank, and the kessil is only about 7" from the water.
My parameters are as follows

Salinity/spec gravity- is 1.026 35ppm steady measured with a refractometer that I calibrate regularly.

Calcium -is 400 steady currently does not fluctuate due to their not being enough coral to really pull it from the water.

Kh/Alk -is steady 9.0 also does not rise or fall due to lack of draw on the system from limited livestock, however when using red sea coral pro up until 2 months ago, the alk was very high, about 13-14 dkh, sense then I have switched to regular red sea salt, and have sense brought the alk to acceptable levels and have stayed at a solid 9.0-9.2

Magnesium- I don't test very often maybe once every 2 weeks however it does not seem to move from 1380 ppm. In which case I have not been concerned with its level.

Nitrate- has been undetectable and I mean 0.0ppm for the last 3-4 months. I had a problem initially which I have sense solved with regular water changes 5 gallons every 2 weeks I vacuum the sand bed every time I do a water change aswell. Between my skimmer and my thriving basketball size ball of Chaeto it seems to do a great job of keeping Nitrate undetectable.

Phosphates- have read 0.00 constant on my hanna checker. I have a small media bag located in the highest flow area of the sump filled with a couple small scoops of gfo that I very seldom have to change usually once a month.
So back to the original reason for my post. I have 2 sps in particular that have not extended polyps in over a month and a half, and 1 that seems to either be suffering tissue loss in the center or bleaching. I will try to attach pictures of them both so I can better show the issue.
I'm currently having issues with two corals in my 40 breeder reef system. The tank just turned 8 months old, and all the LPS and soft corals are doing fine. I am well aware of the increased difficulty in husbandry of sps corals in general however I maintain a very strict maintenence, and testing schedule. The tank is a 40 breeder (36×18×17) I believe are the dimensions, and a 20 long sump with a bubble magus curve 5 skimmer, a center chamber with about an inch of sand, and anot every growing ball of Chaeto that I usually trim bi-weekly. Last chamber houses the return pump and finnex digital heater. The tank is stocked with about 50-55lbs of pukani from BRS(started with dry rock). I have about 1.75-2" of live aragonite( bought fresh not second hand or used) in the main display tank mostly for aesthetic reasons. I currently use one jebao 25 for flow, set on wave1 full power. For lighting I'm running 1 kessil a360w hung from the gooseneck on the spectral controller. I am well aware that 1 kessil is not enough to have sps or LPS on the far or lower edges of the tank, however my sps are located 6-7 inches from the water surface, in the middle of the tank, and the kessil is only about 7" from the water.

My parameters are as follows

Salinity/spec gravity- is 1.026 35ppm steady measured with a refractometer that I calibrate regularly.

Calcium -is 400 steady currently does not fluctuate due to their not being enough coral to really pull it from the water.

Kh/Alk -is steady 9.0 also does not rise or fall due to lack of draw on the system from limited livestock, however when using red sea coral pro up until 2 months ago, the alk was very high, about 13-14 dkh, sense then I have switched to regular red sea salt, and have sense brought the alk to acceptable levels and have stayed at a solid 9.0-9.2

Magnesium- I don't test very often maybe once every 2 weeks however it does not seem to move from 1380 ppm. In which case I have not been concerned with its level.

Nitrate- has been undetectable and I mean 0.0ppm for the last 3-4 months. I had a problem initially which I have sense solved with regular water changes 5 gallons every 2 weeks I vacuum the sand bed every time I do a water change aswell. Between my skimmer and my thriving basketball size ball of Chaeto it seems to do a great job of keeping Nitrate undetectable.

Phosphates- have read 0.00 constant on my hanna checker. I have a small media bag located in the highest flow area of the sump filled with a couple small scoops of gfo that I very seldom have to change usually once a month.

So back to the original reason for my post. I have 2 sps in particular that have not extended polyps in over a month and a half, and 1 that seems to either be suffering tissue loss in the center or bleaching. I will try to attach pictures of them both so I can better show the issue.

Sounds like it may be a new tank.

Zero NO3 or PO4 is not best unless you target feed. What test kit for NO3 are you using?

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i target feed all my acans and LPS primarily frozen mysis shrimp, with sometimes a mix of rods original. i have also try target feeding the the sps, not in the belief that they would be able to grab the mysis, as their polyps are smal, but just to get the juices of the food to hit their tissue so maybe they could absorb some nutrients.
SPS need to be fed, if they aren't getting enough nutrients they'll become pale and slowly wither away. You can have 0 no3 and p04 IF your tank has enough import/export going on, but in your case you may just be starving them. Pictures would help if possible, and if you can, take the pictures without blues on or color correct them.
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I will take a guess here and say you have a pest . take the corals out and take a good long look at them with a magnifying glass and look for eggs / flatworms on it under it and especially around the base . also though 400 calcium isn't bad I would shootfor 420-430 anything under 400 generally can slow growth and possibly further stress the coral . ( yeah I know people run around 380 ) but heres why I don't agree with that . a slightly higher calcium level compensates for test kits accuracy which in general is about 10% either way so if you make a small mistake in measuring that 400 can be either 360 or 440 . I don't think the calcium is an issue but something to think about . Again check for pest and keep us posted . Good luck !!!
If it was a nutrient problem all the corals would be having issues . though some can handle longer periods of this better than others so maybe ...... but I am leaning towards pest still
We can't really diagnose anything without pictures, but I agree pests are a high possibility as well. They said they target feed their LPS so technically speaking, nutrients could be the issue for the SPS.
Flow may also be insufficient. In my SPS dominant 40b, I'm running 2 MP10s maxing out at 70%.

I have about 35lbs of rock in the DT so I have a lot more open space than you do which allows more flow across the tank.

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SPS frags can generally adapt and grow for flow issues, wild/maricultured colonies not so much. I wouldn't cross it off entirely but not focus on flow being the main issue, it could be a contributing factor.
i would say they are unhappy. corals die mostly because we did something wrong. what it si is sometimes hard to tell. It could be a pest, could be your flow isnt right and/or strong enough. could be up and downs in alk You say your alk is prefect,but how often are you testing. plus did you ever text the same water sample 3 times, do you get the same results. what is your water change regimen and how many gallons are you changing. i really doubt its lacks of nutrients, but it could be . probably if i had to guess its the instability of your tank being so new
I test every couple of days with the same results. I'm going to try to remove the gfo and turn the skimmer off. I know this is a risky move but is it safe to say if I don't see any change in a few days, it may not be a nutrient problem? I find it hard to believe that flow or lighting could be the culprit because I have a steady rocking wave from side to side with the jebao 25, and with the kessil peaking upwards of 60% color and intensity, I doubt it's too little light, as I have seen what people can grow with these lights.
samsung galaxy s7 photos 106.jpg
Really need close up pictures of the SPS with blues completely off, this will help us diagnose if it's nutrient issues, STN from parameter instability, light or flow, or pests.

Kessil is one of the worst LED's for light coverage, the par/pur drops off significantly even though it may seem like it's illuminating the tank well. Think of them as a spotlight, that's the best way to explain them. You'll need at least a second for long term growth/success. That being said, depending on where these SPS are this may not be the issue, your FTS is really hard to distinguish between rock and stony corals due to the heavy blue, I see maybe one SPS on the right side and that's about it.
Do you have spaces and holes in the rock formation. It looks like one big pile of rock You want the rock to have spaces and caves so water can flow in there to eliminate dead spots

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