Problems with Tunze Osmolator 3155 ATO Setup


New member
Just got a Tunze Osmolator 3155 from Marine Depot and it is not working right. I set it up in my sump per instructions and it runs to the optical limit then continues on till it hits the overflow alarm. I have tried cleaning the senor as others have recommended but it still over fills till it hits the alarm. Any ideas of what I should do to fix it?
Just cleaned the optical sensor a third time and slowed the fill rate down by 25% and it seems to be working as it should. Cross you fingers!!
hi, just got mine too and it seems that it does not stop pumping
as far as i know the optical sensor should just barley such the water surface, mine is inside the bater for about 2mm
The most probable causes would be one of the following-

1) Bubbles, the sensor only detects air vs water, any clinging micro bubbles can cause it to fill. Try rinsing the sensor in hot soapy water (this will remove any surface oils which attract bubbles) and then reposition it away from a source of bubbles. You can positively identify the cause as bubbles if you catch it in the act and wipe your finger under the sensor and it stops within 5 seconds.

2) The cause is a timed run on a small tank. In addition to the sensors, some pump operation is timed. For example, when first plugged in the pump will always run for 15 seconds, if the unit is being switched off on a small set up, this can be a cause. Additionally, after a fill is registered the pump overfills for 5 seconds to reduce the frequency of switching. These additions are quite small, about 1/2 cup and 2 tablespoon respectively. If the tank is under 50 gallons total capacity, open the controller and turn down the pump speed.

3) A siphon, if you are pumping to the sump and the reservoir is taller than the sump, this is highly probable, the end of the hose must be above the water level in the reservoir to avoid a siphon.
in my case micro bubble coming out from Tunze nano skimmer ( Skimmer 9001 ) are sticking on ATO sensor, not sure if going to get better after it will stay in water for some time?

my skimmer is several mounts old but in some case produce a lot of micro bibble
i set it up with surface skimmer
Try a greater distance between the skimmer and sensor if possible. Usually if many bubbles are exiting the 9001 raise the skimmer and open the air.
the problem is that i should set the water level before adjusting skimmer level

i may try to raise the skimmer high and close all the air and wait till ATO is correctly set and then set the skimmer

how do i open the ATO led box to turn down the pump power?

@rvitko i found a post where you wrote

"2)Incorrect water depth, when submerged to the correct depth a distinct waterfall into the skimmer will be visible, it is critical that this is correct or a lot of bubbles will result. You should see the water drop in roughly 1/2-1", if no waterfall is present, it is too deep, if the pump makes a chugging or struggling noise it is too shallow. (9004/9012 only) Bubbles will generally be worse when the skimmer is too deeply submerged (all models)"

i can't understand what it means that i should see a waterfall
taking off the foam collector, and looking at the top round hole the foam level should be lower?
The waterfall only applies to 9004 and 9012.

In general if you close the air, more bubbles escape because you have less air and stronger water flow. To get the least bubbles, open the air completely and work with the depth. Also their is a foam bubble trap sponge you could use, part 9001.200, the one with the hole is for use with the surface skimmer.
how do you make sure the water in the ATO container is lower then the sump level. Most sumps are at the ground so how would it be possible to have your ATO container lower? I have a 5 gallon container. I'd have to fill it with like 1 gallon to keep the water line lower then my sumo
The foolproof solution, don't pump to your sump, instead pump to your main tank or overflow box, the sensors remain in the sump.