Problems =(


While waiting on the bulkheads I went ahead and started filling the tank. I'll admit that patience has always been one of my challenges. I added 100lbs of sand. Specifically, 40lbs of dry and 60lbs of live CaribSea Arag-Alive Special Grade Reef Sand. I rinsed and soaked the dry sand for four days in RO water and it did very little to cloud the water. The murky looking water is the result of adding the live sand.



When I got my 1" bulkheads they wouldn't fit.:furious: This was the result of some miscommunication between me and Lee-Mar. I was told the holes were cute for 1" bulkheads. In reality they were 1.5" holes and not 1.75" holes which meant I had to use 3/4" bulkheads.

My plan was to use the 1" bulkheads with the street elbow and hardpipe the connection to the bottow of the weir. As you can see I already had the piping in place.




As a result of the mixup I had to go with plan B and use the 3/4" bulkheads and use flex pvc.



In the end it all worked out so I'm not going to sweat the small stuff. I'll never see the piping anyway and will probably forget about it soon enough.:)