ProdiBio explained

I have been Vodka dosing for almost 3 months because of high nitrates. Can I use BioDigest and Bioptim and still continue to dose the Vodka (5.5 ml)? Thanks!
Yes I understand that but I'm concerned about suddenly stopping vodka and going with the Prodibio, so my question is "can I use the vodka and the Prodibio at the same time?" Maybe use the bacteria only with the vodka? Thanks for your help! ;=0)
Hello, I am very interested in your product, but have a couple question. My system is roughly 330 gallons of saltwater. I have 2displays connected to each and a sump with a skimmer I currently am using active carbon, I just stop using a gfo because I just started using biopellets. If I started to use your product would I stop the biopellets? Also could I run a gfo or do you not recommended it? For my size system is you regular product enough or do I have to step up to the pro product? If I use the pro would I extend the dose from 15 days to 20-25? Last question what do you think about combining your product with a zeo media product in a reactor?

I want to thank you for starting this blog, this was just what I was looking for to get some questions answered!
Hi and thank you for your contributions on the Prodibio products!

I have almost 150 gallons total water volume. I have several questions:
1) Do I dose 3 vials of BioDigest and 3 vials BioPTim?
2) Do I stop running the skimmer when I dose these...if yes, for how long?
3)Should I continue to run the GAC & GFO reactors?
4) Do I dose these every 15 days (as seen on the Prodibio website) as I have high nitrate levels, hair algae and cyano?
4) Will BioDigest & BioPTim get my nitrates to 5ppm or less when I have a heavy fish load and feed heavy?

Thanks for your assistance! :)
I am specifically interested in fighting a dino outbreak... I have heard good things with respect to using biodigest and bioptim... My questions would be:

1) How fast should on expect resilts? weeks, months?
2) I was using biopellets and have taken them off line while I fight the dino. If I am successful is this a product where stopping is a bad thing? I would like to return to my biopellets as a cheaper long term means of keeing nitrates low...
3) should you take your GFO offline while treating?
4) skimmer stays online correct?
5) I do not run zeolites bit I do use zeo suppliments such as amono acids, potassium, iron, and their products like XTRA and Corak Vitalizer. Should these be discontinued during biodigest and bioptim dosing?
1) How fast should on expect resilts? weeks, months?
Typically weeks but depends on the bio load of your system

2) I was using biopellets and have taken them off line while I fight the dino. If I am successful is this a product where stopping is a bad thing? I would like to return to my biopellets as a cheaper long term means of keeing nitrates low...
I am not a fan of Bio pellets, my suggestion would be to continue with Prodibio, you may want to ask yourself why did you get the dino outbreak in the first place, and if biopellets are so good why do you need prodibio?

3) should you take your GFO offline while treating?

4) skimmer stays online correct?

5) I do not run zeolites bit I do use zeo suppliments such as amono acids, potassium, iron, and their products like XTRA and Corak Vitalizer. Should these be discontinued during biodigest and bioptim dosing?
No you can use any supplement providing it is not bacterial or carbon source related
1) I got Dino from overdosing on zeosuppliments... prior to me dollowing their directions I had none. I should have stuck with what I was doing but the growth a collor was killer... Lesson learned...At roughly $100 a year for prodibio it may be well worth runing it all the time. It is just one more expense to explain...

5) so I take it then you should not run biodigest/bioptim with biopellets?

New question...lets say the 3 month supply I just bought works out wekk for me... do I need to reconfigure anything in my tank? what I mean is I run biopellets to control nitrates so I do not have a DSB... Basically leaving me with some cheato in a sump and line rock in the DT. This is fine for running Biodigest/Bioptim long term?

Is it every 15 days for all eternity? Is the dosage changes based on nitrate levels or just keep going with 1 vile of eack (in a 70 gallon system ) every 15 days?

well at
you would stop the pellets and switch to prodibio

you do not have to change anything other than stopping bio pleets, and yep its 15 days onwards
Ah I have a new question. I do not see much in the ways of instuction on the internet... how does this product effect your water chasnge schedule? I was told you should add this every other water change thus requiring weekly water changes... Does this soiund right?
Why is reefbooster only used after 6 week? I have been using Reefdigest and Bioptim for about 8 months now. I am very happy. I do not want zero nitrates and this has helped be keep my nitrates at 1-2 and my corals have never looked better...But will reefdigest bring my nitrates down farther? That is not my goal, I am looking to improve growth...
if you have high nutrients and not enough bacterial loading then reefbooster will add to the problems so you first must get the system with low nutrients first using biodigest and bioPtim, this takes about 6 weeks
So with nitrates in the 1-2ppm area is it unwise to try it? I have been using Biodigest and bioptim for months....
Hi. I know this is old but there doesn't seem to be much information anywhere else or people to answer so hopefully you still see this.
I've been dosing one vial of biodigest and 1 vial of bioptim each week for 5 weeks in my 90 gallon mixed reef with 30 gallon sump.
my nitrates and phosphates have been very low even prior to dosing. I still have some very small patches of algae that I go after a couple times a week with 5 gallon water changes with reef crystals. They never seem to disappear completely even with low nutrients. Either way I do deem them to be in check as there isn't any algae really on my rocks just a little bit here and there.
So I'd like to start reef booster because my corals have lost much color but do I have to wait until there is literally no sign of algae anywhere?
And what should my dosing schedule be for all 3 once I start reef booster?
yes dose all 3 from now on. leave skimmer off for 24 hours to avoid overflow. if after 24 hours it still overflows reduce the amount you dose of booster by 50%