1) How fast should on expect resilts? weeks, months?
Typically weeks but depends on the bio load of your system
2) I was using biopellets and have taken them off line while I fight the dino. If I am successful is this a product where stopping is a bad thing? I would like to return to my biopellets as a cheaper long term means of keeing nitrates low...
I am not a fan of Bio pellets, my suggestion would be to continue with Prodibio, you may want to ask yourself why did you get the dino outbreak in the first place, and if biopellets are so good why do you need prodibio?
3) should you take your GFO offline while treating?
4) skimmer stays online correct?
5) I do not run zeolites bit I do use zeo suppliments such as amono acids, potassium, iron, and their products like XTRA and Corak Vitalizer. Should these be discontinued during biodigest and bioptim dosing?
No you can use any supplement providing it is not bacterial or carbon source related