

New member
Well as some of you are aware, I have been battleing cyano since I started my tank. I know where my problem is, I like fish too much and everyone know fish and sps don't alway mix to well. I read alot about this new product prodibio on the net and in many forums. It is a different type of bacteria that is packaged in an ampoule. It claims it will drive your organics down to zero. There are several different products to dose. First there is Bio Digest which is the bacteria and bioptum which is the food for the bacteria.

It has been 2 weeks since I started dosing and I am impressed. No more cyano, my water is as clear as I have ever seen it and the colors in my coral have gotten brighter. My nitrates went from 5 to 0.5 in two weeks. I have even started to notice a decline in my macro algae since there is no nitrates for it to thrive on.

Has anyone else had any luck with this stuff. If anyone would like to stop by and see the tank my house is always open to fellow reefers.

Silly question but are you using RO water or RO/DI water?
You said you have SPS so im sure you probally have enough flow for your corals but what kind of flow are you pushing?
I just keep figuring it has something to do with the filtration system,. all my tanks get the same water, salt and feeding but only one or two have slime algea problems. one is the red stuff. but it has very minimal filtration. i just recently reinstalled my plenum under the sandbed. to see if that clears it up. I have a feeling the stuff feeds on ammonia, or nitrites before the gravel bed can convert them. they produce a favorable anerobic environment by making a slime coat over the rock or sand to cut off the oxygen supply for the nitrofying bacteria in the sand.

so maybe put the bioballs back in the filter sytem. we still need a strong biofilter to convert waste thru amonia , and nitrites to nitrates as fast as possible. then deal with denitrating by rock, sand beds and fuges.

Just my SWAG. and im playing with it. we keep trying to do it mechanically with over sized skimmers and fuges. but the skimmers dont get it all, and a bare tank may not convert waste fast enough to nitrates. which the fuge will eat. whats left hanging in the middle might be the problem. a small amount of ammonia or nitrite dwell time in the water.

Im trying anything. but its perplexing that tanks next to each other are so different. one clean, one slimed. go figure?
week 3 for me red slime still gone and the colors of my corals have gotten brighter. I am doing Bio-Digest and Bioptin weekly for the first month and have had no RTN problems with my SPS. I will keep you guys posted. Ammonia went fro 5 to 0 in week 3

where did the ammonia come from? you tank has been running for quite a while with a nice fuge. from the prodibio cycle?