There is a product on Amazon called Purple Helix that clains it will grow purple corraline in your tank.
75% of reviewers say it works & grows coralline
25% say its a waste of money & theyve seen little to no results
Any experience among RC?
Coraline is an algae
Algae is a living thing
Living things cannot survive in shelved packaging.
So live sand is a hoax?
purple up or bust
So lets anal izse what we have hereThere is a product on Amazon called Purple Helix that claims it will grow purple corraline in your tank.
75% of reviewers say it works & grows coralline
25% say its a waste of money & theyve seen little to no results
Any experience among RC?
So lets anal izse what we have here
75% say yes
25% say no
The "yes" people have grown coralline algae after using it, or are lying. Could the algae have grown anyway? Maybe.
The "no" people could not grow coralline algae after using it. Maybe they cant grow it to start with.
This is not a scientific experiment.
Will it help you??? ahhh the $20.00 question.
Answer = Maybe and maybe not.
$20 will give you the answer you are lookin for.
Although I suppose their tanks may have lacked the right parameters for the spores to take hold.
purple up works better
Purple Up and Purple Helix are not comparable and do two completely different things.
Purple up doesn't contain any coralline spores, it only boosts they existing coralline in your tank.