Product: Purple Helix - does it work?

Purple up contains electrolytes! It has what algae craves!


Purple up has no spores though. Purple helix actually does. If you need to SEED your system, helix is the way to go. If all you want is booster minerals n stuff then use purple up or just keep good water chemistry....

Also helix will work regardless of your water not being spot on perfect. Coralline eventually grows in almost every tank except in extreme bad cases. If you are keeping coral, you generally are going to get corraline. I know this because I'm currently dealing with a damn cyano bloom from hell after trying to introduce a tiny fuge with some live mud (not man made stuff, but from an actual mudflat) that spiked my nitrates like mad. Corraline still growing...
I did not know you COULD have a reef without coralline algae until I set up my own reef this year. I used 25+ year old live rock from a 'fuge which was coralline free. I'm really glad I don't have the damn stuff. I didn't realize what a PITA it was. I have more than enough light & elements to get it, but I'm careful not to introduce it. My corals are growing well, but no coralline. I was at a hobbyist's home one time and his wife was LIVID at all the purple "crap" on the back wall of the 200 gal. living room tank. I hope they didn't get divorced over it.
i bought it, haven't seen anything yet but green algae is forming now!

i bought it, haven't seen anything yet but green algae is forming now!

There is a product on Amazon called Purple Helix that clains it will grow purple corraline in your tank.

75% of reviewers say it works & grows coralline
25% say its a waste of money & theyve seen little to no results

Any experience among RC?

I bought it, 2 bottles to be exact (for a 20 gallon). I know Arc Reef is a local company here in miami. I have not seen any coraline algae growth yet but again this my first reef tank and the tank has not fully matured i added helix pink and purple maybe a month ago. my diatoms have subsided and green algae is forming all over the rocks so I am guessing coraline will be next. I will post pics at first signs of growth....