Profilux 3.1 pab

i dont believe so. you could use the expansion box but i believe that the profilux itself is the master and the others devices all report to it as slaves.
you can connect more than one Master (here:ProfiLux) to the same PAB bus, but they must be in different PAB groups, otherwise there are collisions

each PAB master has its own slaves in its group, slaves can't be shared

the advantage is:
you can access all masters trough one master, e.g. LAN or USB communication is tunneled through the PAB - then you need to use different device addresses (which are here the PAB groups) in GCC
you can connect more than one Master (here[emoji14]rofiLux) to the same PAB bus, but they must be in different PAB groups, otherwise there are collisions

each PAB master has its own slaves in its group, slaves can't be shared

the advantage is:
you can access all masters trough one master, e.g. LAN or USB communication is tunneled through the PAB - then you need to use different device addresses (which are here the PAB groups) in GCC
So would I connect one profilux to the other through the pab port on the back of each profilux sign different addresses to each and could assess both through lan/usb also how would I asign one as master and one as slave thanks