Profilux 3 compatible with Plasma Lights


New member
I am currently setting up a reef tank with 3 Plasma lights from Stray Light Seashine Plasma to be controlled with a Profilux 3ex(already purchased lights and controller). After seeing the YOUTUBE demo of the thunderstorm capabilities..i also willl be purchasing 2 Profilux Simu-L Leds. First of all I would like to know if someone has been able to setup these plasma lights with a PROFILUX unit. Is there an adapter to connect these lights to the PROFILUX??? I did order them with a terminal block in order to be able to connect to a controller. See brochure via link:

I also have 3 TUNZE stream 6205 of which i will be purchasing 2 Profilux L/S splitter cables and 3 Profilux Tunze 1 control cables to connect them to the PROFILUX 3ex. Not sure if i need 2 Tunze 1 and 1 Tunze 2 cables for them to work. Please help.

Since i will also be purchasing 2 Profilux Simu-L Leds, i need to be sure that i need to order 2 more Profilux L/S to connect them. What is the distance that these cables reach from the LEDs to the PROFILUX 3ex? This will determine if i need to purchase a VSL cable extender.

The dimming of these lights is dependant on if the lights come with any dimming interface, this being a 1-10V interface normally. ProfiLux can dim anything given this function. To be honest i very much doubt these lamps have this function, but worth asking the manufacturers.

Tunze 1 reacts off L ports 1,3,5 etc
Tunze 2 reacts off L ports 2,4,6,8 etc

You can have all 3 running off one dual L port e.g L1L2 in this case you would require
2 x tunze 1
1 x Tunze 2

In this case two pumps would react together and the other opposite. If you want complete seperate control you would use L3 with another Tunze 1

Depending on your chosen configuration would determine how many YL2-1 port spiltter cables are required.

Simu's run of one dual L port using both channels, no splitter required, unless you are running 2 simu's off one dual channel then you require YL2-1 cable

The length of the cable is around 3 feet so get VSL-5 for flexibility.
ProfiLux 3 with plasma lights

ProfiLux 3 with plasma lights

To follow on

Looking at the brochure the lamps "MAY" be able to be dimmed using standard triac AC dimming, if this is the case and you would have to confirm this with the manfacturers, you could then use the powerbar 2dim ac dimmable bar.
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Dear AQD,
I received information from another plasma user that they were able to connect these plasma lights to their controllers( APEX and REEFKEEPER). There must be a way to connect these plasma lights to the PROFILUX 3ex. Please see posts regarding their connections.

it seems i need to connect the + and - to the PROFILUX 0v-10v plug. Which cable or adapter can i use for this situation???
then it has a 1-10V input as I suggested above, if this is the case then the profiLux can dim it, the other goods thing, this feature is standard with profiLux not an extra
We have been informed that the Sfiligio plasma light and LED light now dims with profiLux through the 1-10v line :)
I am currently setting up a reef tank with 3 Plasma lights from Stray Light Seashine Plasma to be controlled with a Profilux 3ex(already purchased lights and controller). After seeing the YOUTUBE demo of the thunderstorm capabilities..i also willl be purchasing 2 Profilux Simu-L Leds. First of all I would like to know if someone has been able to setup these plasma lights with a PROFILUX unit. Is there an adapter to connect these lights to the PROFILUX??? I did order them with a terminal block in order to be able to connect to a controller. See brochure via link:

I also have 3 TUNZE stream 6205 of which i will be purchasing 2 Profilux L/S splitter cables and 3 Profilux Tunze 1 control cables to connect them to the PROFILUX 3ex. Not sure if i need 2 Tunze 1 and 1 Tunze 2 cables for them to work. Please help.

Since i will also be purchasing 2 Profilux Simu-L Leds, i need to be sure that i need to order 2 more Profilux L/S to connect them. What is the distance that these cables reach from the LEDs to the PROFILUX 3ex? This will determine if i need to purchase a VSL cable extender.

I have 4 straylight plasmas. The dimming function is controlled via 1-10v interface. You either have a relay block or a built in dimmer on your straylight. If you have a dimmer block, the black an purple connections control the dimming function. On the APEX controller dimming is controlled by a connection to the "variable speed" port. In sure Proflilux has a similar connection.

If you have a manual dimmer, ask Straylight to send you a relay block and you have to do a little surgery

Love these lights by the way..
Yes ProfiLux comes as standard with a minimum of 4 dimmable ports so you just use one of these.

They are the ports labelled 'L" on the back of the unit
Heres the information from the light manufacturer:

You will use the DIM and the connection with the ground symbol on it to hook up to the 1-10V illumination control on the Profilux. DIM will hook to their positive 1-10V dimming line and the ground will hook up to the ground.

SO now the question is what adapter can i use to connect to the 1-10v in the PROFILUX 3ex?
the lights already came with a terminal now i need how to connect to the profilux. I need an adapter to fit in the RJ45 port: 1-10v. two wires from the lights to a RJ45 port to profilux. where can i get an adapter?
Great...will order it now. But how many cards do I need to order to connect the three lights? I also looked for an expansion box and it is not available for sale. Any info to when it will be available via ghldirect?

You would need two cards

Each card has two channels

GHL direct is run by progressive reef they may have not updated their inventory, but there are lots of expansion boxes in stock

You can call them on 1866 997 7333 (PST) to order directly also
I installed the two cards EVG-AP-2F and connected the plasma lights to them using 2 wires +&- and also connected the cable which was included(6 cable control lines) from the card to the profilux L3/L4 using splitter since i have 3 lights. The A/C adapter of the lights are connected to S1, S2, S3 in the powerbar. I am not using the connecton in the EVG card to connect the power supply. After configuring the lights as dimmable, when the lights turn on it does not DIM up like i have configured start at 5% then 20% and finally 80%. It actually turns on at 100%. But in the afternoon, it actually DOES dim down from 80% to 50% to 20%. I have found a thread from another mfd controller that someone was having the same problem and see below quote..

"Thanks to one of the engineers at Digital Aquatics, figured out a work around...all I needed to do was start the Dimmer A & B each 10 minutes before the PC$ started Power. That way when the lights turn on, they are getting a larger than 0v signal! Works like a charm!! Thanks to all that helped on this."

If this is the case, how would i configure the S1,S2, S3 to turn on 10 minutes after the dimming has started? hopefully this will solve the DIM UP problem. thanks.

Well first this is ProfiLux and not DA so what ever they are doing has no relation to ProfiLux ;)

The reason why the lamps boot at 100% is due to the ballast needing full power to strike the lamp, once it has struck it will dim to your designed settings. This is not something GHL can over ride as your lamps likely would not work.

However - Set socket function outlet on S1 etc to your on times 10 mins after the start of your dimming cycle. Whether this will over ride the lamps requirements is totally down to the lamp.
you could set the minimal voltage of thr 1-10 channel to be higher the 0v for the minimum... like 2.5-10v for the selected channel line (play with the minimal value until you get it working)
This is the info I received from seashine
The Profilux is a 1-10V dimming system, but our lighting system only allows dimming to 20% or 2V.* The Profilux will also output 0V through the dimming line as a way to shut the light off.* The Seashine fixture will treat a 0V signal as a short or malfunction in the control system and go to 100% output so make sure you program the system to avoid sending a 0V signal when the unit is on.** During the light’s startup cycle (90s), the light fixture will ignore the dimming signal and some units will not recognize a dimming signal below 50% until after this startup is completed so it is best not to apply a signal below that level until then.* So in your procedure you started it at 30%, you need to start it above 50% and then once the startup has completed have it go to your desired level.* If the system will let you, you could even have it start the power to the light first and after 3 mins send the unit the 30% dimming signal (unfortunately, you may have to send the light a higher than 50% signal first before you send it the 30% signal).* We are talking to Luxim about this issue, but for now we have to use this workaround.

So how do I power the light first and after 3 mins send the unit the 30%? please give me step by step. Any other suggestions is appreciated.
first set the 1-10v chanel to min 2v max 10 v
then look at the illumination chnael used and set:

50% 6h00AM
30% 6h03AM
100% 2h00PM
I would like to say that i finally got it to work. I first reduced the 1-10v to minimal 3v and maximal 10v. Then i setup ilumination to 9am-50%, 9;05am-30%, 9:07am 5%, 1pm 80%, 3pm 80%, 5pm 50%, 7pm 20%, 7:30pm 5%. Note that you cannot put a i had to setup a timer to turn on lights at 9am and turn off at 7:30pm. For both to work i had to setup a program logic in which TIMER and ILUMINATION are on at the sametime. Even though the lights turn on at full power but it only lasts a couple of minutes...its a WAKEUP call for the fish and corals. then the lights dim to 5% which is a nice blue morning feeling. thank you all for all your help. hopefully LUXIM will fix this issue but at least there is a work around that satisfies me and my reef tank.