Profilux 3 PC Connection Help


New member
Hey all,

I have just received the Profilux 3 mega set with the 5.1 power bar.

I've managed to connect the Profilux using the Control Center software but when I try to connect on the Profilux control software i get the message 'Profilux control is only for Profilux 2 & 3', I'm obviously running the 3 which is a bit weird, any ideas?

Is the Profilux Control the same as Control Center or do they differ in features?

Also, i've managed the get the 5.1 power bar recognised on the socket functions but I also have a 3 channel GHL doser (not doser 2) and the connection is the same cable that goes in s1-s4 and s5-s8. When connecting to these all I get is the pump running say on socket 1 and also the 5.1 bar socket too?!

Also, (sorry too many questions!) in the Control Center there is a very nice looking doser page but i can't get my doser to be recognised at all, it only works when connected to s1-s4 or s5-s8 and only in socket functions.

Hope this all makes sense, sorry if not.

Any help will be very much appreciated!

Many thanks

Download and install GHL Control Center on your pc. It is the newest version and what's being updated.
Also make sure your firmware on the Profilux is up to date.

The doser needs to be assigned like they are sockets.
So if your power bar sockets are 1-6, assign your doser pumps as sockets 7-9.

Thanks. I'm running the latest version of control center -GHLControlCenter_V1061

I just wondered if people use Profilux Control too like this one - ProfiLuxControl_V6060

There is a separate dosing page on control center which shows images of dosing, amounts to dose etc. It has a section to calibrate doser and when i click this it doesn't find doser. just wondered if this was only for the upcoming doser 2.

many thanks

Yes, I do believe that is for the Doser 2 only.
My Doser is setup using timers.

I no longer use the old profilux control.
The doser overview does work completely fine with the old style dosers.

You still need to setup the doser as sockets before any of the dosing menu will work.