Thanks you have saved me an evening of work
Luis has it pretty much nailed really.
I would note one thing, the PIII will have a hugely advanced ethernet capabilities not offered on the standard LAN card available now so if you can hold off on this piece of the pie for now you will save yourself later, having said that the current LAN cards are being pretty much given away to see people through until the launch of the PIII
SeanT - We will take (IF READY) pre orders at Macna, we have no sales license for NJ or will be getting one.
To clarify a few points
A Plus II can be upgraded to a PLUS II EX
A Plus II can be upgraded to a P3
A Plus II EX can be upgraded to a P3 making it a P3EX
Thats the family tree basically.
There is also a PIV in the pipeline also but this is going to be for the mega systems out there cabable of controlling and supporting whole marine life centers and multi thousand gallon tanks. The PIV will be a whole different branch of the Plus II and P3 tree, but the P3 will have a large proportion of what the PIV will offer. I have no details of the PIV its miles away, possibly two years.
In regards to price of the P3, I have no price to give right now on the P3 as it is still in working development. I hope to have more news on this by August.