Profilux 3ex With Powerbar6PAB & Regular Powerbar6?


Is it possible to run both PAB power bar and a regular power bar on a Profilux 3ex for a total of 12 power outlets? Also, what is the difference between the 2? Can they control the same things?
Is it possible to run both PAB power bar and a regular power bar on a Profilux 3ex for a total of 12 power outlets?
Can they control the same things?
Also, what is the difference between the 2?
The PAB version is able to connect to the PAB system which can have cables up to 100mts long. They can also read current used on each outlet.
I am using both with no issues.
Just needs different configuration methods for each one.
Both operate the same way except for the above mentioned additions for the PAB system.
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I agree with Antipodes 100%. I am also using the both and the PAB version is a lot easier to set up and configure. When using multiple devices such as dosing pumps etc., the PAB version is simply plug and play.