Profilux AI Cable availability


Active member
I am trying to do a direct purchase from GHL direct for the profilux III beginner, a float switch, and the Aquailluminations cable, but I cannot find it anywhere on the site...

I will not buy the profilux if I cannot get the cable to control my lights.:sad2:

The cable is supplied b Reef Geek.

BUT If you purchase this week we will supply the cable, I have one here, but only one (its my one :().
So if I purchase on this week, I will get the cable with it? I will put in the order tright now if that's the case...
ALL packs are on very short time back order due to massive demand, but yes when we ship your order the cable will be included, but please make sure a note is made about this.

I am looking at the cable right now in front of me!
yes it does, but the P3 also has Ethernet built in so you are more likely to use the link to gain further functionality
I know you are waiting on the PIII's to come in, but do you have an estimated ship date?

Sorry to be a pain.
Sorry to bring this back up, but I have not gotten a shipping comfirmation email yet. I remember you saying that the p3's were back in stock, and shipping out, but I have not gotten any news of this yet.

Sorry, just really anxious to play with this thing!