Profilux/AI/Vortech question


New member
Im thinking about moving to LEDs with a few AI units and a profilux controller. My question is, if you have this arrangement AND have vortechs, can you control the pumps to change with the lights?

for instance, can you time it so the pumps switch to something calm (lagoon) before a thunderstorm, and then get very chaotic (short pulse, etc) during the storm, then get back to calm/normal after the storm....and so on and so forth.

Are the controllers that smart, or can you only controll everything independently.

yes the software has storm surge mode and will dim the lights, I think you need a bit of programmable logic functions but it is a feature yes.
Right, I understand it has the ability to change the modes durring storms. I guess what im looking for is to see if is capable to "sense a storm is coming" and calm down for a certain amount of time, then get rough and chaotic (storm surge), then return to normal. Kind of the "calm before the storm" effect. In the research i've done, I haven't seen the ability to do this on a random basis.
You know what would be really sweet? If they had a barometric sensor that you can install and once the pressure dropped to a preset number it would trigger a storm (light and power heads all connected) that would be cool!