ProfiLux Aquarium Controller, whats it all about?


New member
Lots of members have emailed and called us asking about the GHL ProfiLux aquarium computer system and what it can actually do for them and their aquarium. So we thought it was about time we posted a complete product review so you can have a great insight into this amazing aquarium control system.

We have included many software screen shots, some of these shots are of older software versions, as the software is constantly being added to virtually weekly, adding to further functionality at a massive pace way beyond probably anything
else similar on the market


As the ProfiLux system is quite in depth I apologize now for the length of the thread.

Firstly who is GHL?

GHL is a German company who specialize in environmental computer control systems, one being of course the ProfiLux. All its equipment is produced and designed in house in Germany.

In 2005 the GHL ProfiLux won the innovation award in Germany for technical achievement and product invention.

Ok so enough about the company and more about the product itself.

The ProfiLux Plus II in its raw form is a computer controlled aquatic controller that is designed without any further expansion to control pH and temperature and timing functions, but has the built in ability to control your whole tanks environment simply and reliably by either direct menu driven input of settings or as 99% of users do, connect the unit via either RS232 or USB to their computers to access a much wider range of features. In its advanced and upgraded form you can even connect via LAN or WLAN and access your whole system via the internet anywhere in the world and view and change your tank parameters. But for now lets keep things simple!

So you have a ProfiLux what can i do with it?

Well lets look at the computer interface. here is a screen shot.


This first shot shows your opening screen, here you can enter your global position which will become useful later if you choose to use the moon phase to full effect. But more importantly look to the left and you will see the menus where you can view and change parameters.

Ok moving on to inside the software and some of the functions you can do, here is another screen shot below


Here you have the pH screen. From here you can control all your pH requirements whether you want to control a calcium reactor or manage your aquariums parameters or both. As you can see it is controllable to 0.01 point and you can also have nocturnal differences set.

The screen shot shows the ProfiLux in its raw form, but by adding further expansions, other parameter controls become available to you such as ORP (Redox) and Salinity measured in Specific gravity. You can also expand to Oxygen and humidity also. Furthermore you are not restricted to lets say one pH paremeter, by adding further expansion you can have 2 pH controls totally independant, one for the tank and one for your calcium reactor. Same goes for temperature control and other paremeters. This is just a snap shot example of the expandability

So the next screen shot shows the temperature screen.


Just as with the pH you can control the temperature anyway you like, you can have a fan or chiller and your heater plugged into the plug bar and then from this screen set how you want the controller to control your temperature to an accuracy you really won't find anywhere else, so no more light heating spikes or over heating thermostats, etc.

Now this is where the ProfiLux stands above the rest in my own oppinion! The next screen down shows the pump circulation control, specifically Tunze pump control, in the latest software this mode has been greatly expanded, the screen shot is of previous releases. Now the profilux can control up to 4 Tunze pumps in groups and also mix with waveboxes! This simple screen replaces the Tunze controller and gives you far greater control of your pumps, being able to program true tidal flow. You can also use this screen to program other pumps to come on and off as you so please. The ProfiLux is also designed to control all variable flow Tunze's including Nano's and Waveboxes.


Next screen down


This is where the ProfiLux gets a bit more unique. the screen above shows you how you can program various illumination cycles, above is showing a cycle that we use for demo that is turning on and off on a dimming cycle one of the effect lamps. So here you would program your main light, when it would come on and if you had dimmable lighting you can also program how long you want the light to take to come to full power or select the intensity you so choose on a 0% to 100% scale.

Next screen shot


This is probably the most asked about area, how do you tell the ProfiLux what to turn on and how do you control your pumps heaters etc? Well looking at above this is where you program the power bars to what you want each socket to do. So as you can see in the screen shot I have socket number 1 programmed to control pH upwards so here I would have maybe my kalk stirrer plugged into socket 1. Each socket can be programmed to anything the ProfiLux will allow you to do. when a socket is in the ON mode, a red dot appears to the left of the socket function as shown in socket 1.

Next screenshot


This comes into play for either your Nocturnal lighting or actinics or if you have an effect stick, you can program full moon phases so the lights come on to the intensity of the moon, i.e full moon = bright low moon = less light. You can also program cloudy days where the moon does not show at all. The Profilux can be programmed to exactly simulate the moon phase of you local area. Complete moon phase control including cloudy nights!!

Next shot


Now the cool stuff!! With a flash effect LED GHL stick or spot you can create full weather patterns including preprogrammed or random thunderstorms, so when the lights go down sit back and have a tropical storm roll over your tank with varying intensity. NO it does not scare your fish, we did much research into this and my tangs used to come out looking for food! i guess a reaction of nature.

The last screen


If you have the GHL dosing pump station also you can then fully control them from here, this is ideal for low nutrient systems and variable dosing of anything you like really!

OK well thats the main screen shot, there are more as you can see from the menus such as level control and maintenance programming etc but that should give you some idea.

The GHL can be pretty much expanded to what ever you desire, Calcium and Nitrate is being worked on but this will take time as the cost of reliable probes are still out of the reach to most hobbyists, the expansion card is built, just waiting for the probes!

So the ProfiLux can either be a simple pH controller right up to a fully networked global access aquarium computer system that automates your every need.

Now lets hope this little lot uploads to the thread
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In the coming few weeks I will upload the latest software images and explain more of the new unique features.

So if you are concidering a new aquatic controller watch this space!! And remember the ProfiLux is available NOW through our expanding network of retailers.

For retailers please drop us a pm for our phone number and we will happily point you to your nearest stockist and of course talk you through the product personally.

This thread is intended to introduce new users to ProfiLux and I hope the many current users also find this thread as interesting.
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Sorry guys not forgotten this thread new update coming with launch of new software i will then upload new screen shots
very promising system. Can you post pictures of the power bars?

How easily could the controller connect to a display tank that is 30 feet away? My sump and most equipment is in the garage. I'd want to be able to place the controller in the garage and control lights in the display ~30 feet away.

If you wish to connect to you system that is 30' away (I am assuming you mean connect from a pc/notebook to the profiLux)then your best option would be to connect via the Wireless LAN expansion module.

This also gives you the added benefit when set up, to control your system over a web browser anywhere in the world with internet access.

Here is a picture of the digital power bar.


Each digital bar can be daisy chained providing a total of 4 bars in a chain with a total of 24 sockets.

actually I mean that the controller would be located in the garage next to all of the equipment and sump, but I'd want to be able to control the lighting strip 30' away in the display, and possibly a power strip as well for some pumps.

what type of connection is there between the digital power bar, or lighting strip, to the profilux?
You would require the extension data cables that are available for this.

The power bars come with 3 metre leads but can be extended further.

This lead runs from the ProfiLux S1 socket to the power bar.
Thats because we are the distributors and not the retailers, you have found our lists of recommended MRSP we leave for retailers and customers to see for the latest prices

if you are interested in purchasing please drop us an email or let us know here your location and we will tie you up with a stock holding dealer.

Here to help
You will have to ask them.

There are more dealers across North America now than ever before so just let us know if you need putting in touch with one.

I will publish the list tomorrow on our own retail site for North American dealers.
I am still a bit confused about the need for the "GHL ProfiLux Light 2 Controller "

Is that only necessary if you want to do any dimming of lights? If you just want standard timing, you can just use the profilux with the power bar, correct?

Also, what exaclty does it take to be able to use the web- based monitoring and control? can it be done with just the lan card upgrade, or do yo need to purchase some software too?


@tanya72806: Scott could not to be anymore a retailer for some reasons". We still have a good relationship. But as mentioned above: ProfiLux is available all over NA.

Both devices - ProfiLux Light and ProfiLux Plus (eX) - have the same functionality regarding timers and light control (switching or dimming) and current pump control.
ProfiLux Light is a standalone device with sockets and controller in one housing. It also has the capability to measure and control temperature. But that's it - ProfiLux Light can't be extended with other probe inputs and is limited to 4 switchable sockets.

ProfiLux Plus II (eX) is a controller only without switchable sockets. The powerbar with sockets is extra and can be connected via a flat 6pole cable. This controller comes with the same features as ProfiLux Light has, addtionally you can have any kind of measurement and you can connect up to 24 switchable sockets.
The extension-cables are male/female -> can be chained. If you want we can also make a cable with special length for you.

The software "ProfiLuxControl" can be downloaded - free of any charge. With this software you can access the ProfiLux via any interface (USB, RS232 or LAN).
Hi Ryan,

If you require more information and advise on building a system right for you.

But as matthias has said, ALL the controllers have dimming capabilities, the Light II is more of a light controller, but for full ProfiLux capabilities you do require either the profilux plus II or Plus II EX, these come in our retail packs with all the equipment you could need.

Please email us with your contact details and we will happily go through all the options available to you.

We look forward to hearing from you
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Thanks for all the information.

I am still a a bit fuzzy on exactly what the internet features are. Does the software allow you to broadcast the status or make changes remotely, over the internet? Say if I wanted to set up a website that I could log into from any computer to check the probes and make adjustments. lists the Profilux as "no" for "custom design HTML pages", but I'm not exactly sure what it CAN do over the web.

you can use the software ProfiLuxControl to access your ProfiLux over the internet.

Start ProfiLuxControl, enter your IP or domain, click connect
-> then you have full access

-> you can log into your ProfiLux from anywhere "outside" (office or whatever) but you need ProfiLuxControl.